Had you given this project a chance bought some ion then f**k*d off for 2 years you would now be a lot richer plus those 180+ hours could have been used in a more productive manner
45-55k sat at ICO time, barely 30k now and the wallet is borked... no, I would have been poorer.
Your reading comprehension and math "skills" once again show that you're a perfect paycoiner.
Pluck some figures from the sky offering no detail and finish with an insult..... how original...... how you
i gave stats with time figures and prices showing bitcoin held instead of ion investing would of returned more usd since sharky insisted usd is the measure not satoshi even though ion has no direct usd pair just btc pair.
refute that with data and solid facts instead of accusing suchmoons statement as wrong. whilst suchmoons approx values may not have been to the cent accurate its clear holding ion didnt return more usd or btc in that time frame. if you disagree show facts and values and reference it else you statements hold 0 value.