When will fidor deposits work as normal again? My fidor-fidor payments are taking days again and do not get credited without a ticket...this is VERY annoying.
My deposit from Wednesday is still on Hold, my deposit from today does not even show up under "recent deposits"
I created the ticket today (461201), guess it is too early to put it on the list. But my intention is to ask when fidor deposits will work again as they did the last years.
The issue should be resolved when Fidor releases a new version of their API - hopefully sometime in the next week or two.
Some moments later it disappears and appears again as "on Hold" after a day. It then stays in that status until I create a ticket and someone releases the payment.
My payment from Wednesday is still on Hold, my payment from yesterday now shows up as "on Hold". The same procedure as described above.
When will someone release it? Since the payment does show up right after sending (for a short time) I am not sure that the problem is Fidor related....