We would love to hear feedback from others on their preference with the fees - i.e. do you have a preference for what the default fee currency is and why.
Kraken is the only exchange I know, where you can choose from which currency pay the fees (I think there is one other, but I don't remember). But it's only possible in the advanced settings, isn't it?
Please make it possible to choose the default fee currency for all normal orders.
Also Bitstamp reduce the fee from fiat only. I will call it "way1". (at least they did when I did my last trade there, don't kow how it's now).
All other exchanges, like Bitfinex, btc-e, bitcoin.de,.. do it exactly the other way round you introduced it.
So if you buy bitcoins there, they will take the fee from the bought bitcoins. And if you sell there, they take them from the Fiat you get.
I will call this "way2".
When it's deducted from the bought btc amount (way2):
You buy 1 bitcoin, but only get 0.997BTC, if the fee is 0.3%. And on most exchanges the minimum trade amount is 0.01, so you can't even buy the missing 0.003 BTC -.-
So to get exaclty 1 bitcoin I have to buy 1.003009027 BTC ... you don't see why this is annoying?
But this way of doing it is quiet logical, because you never have too few balance.
The other way round, like Kraken did today ("way3")... when you think about, it also does make sense in some way and you don't have the problem with buy 1btc and get 0.997, so that's good.
But in the end, both methods (way2 and way3) have the same result:
Ending up with more/less Btc/Fiat, than you should have.
When you buy and sell btc with way3:
starting balance: 200€ and 2BTC and 0.1% fee.
- buy 1BTC for 100€/BTC -> with fee I pay 100.10€ -> now I have 99.90€ and 3 BTC
- sell 1BTC for 100.20€/BTC (so it should be +-0) ->with fee it will reduced by 1.001BTC -> now I have 200.10€ and 1.999BTC.
I will loose more and more btc when it's way2 or way3.
That's why I prefer way1.
Thanks Serpens - we will leave it the old way (way1) for now and if we change it will give plenty of warning and hopefully by that time have in place a way to set the default fee currency to whatever you want for each currency pair.