met some leocoin people last month, and they don't even know who is developing the coin or the how to mine this one..
they just use bitcoin's name for marketing and insert this coin in the conversation/ is being used for pyramid scheme.
this is an obvious scam..
and nice try making a coinmarketcap and inserting your coin just below dogecoin...rank #7 BULLSHIT why not rank it #2 haha scammers
P.S. the leocoin people i've met doesn't even know bitcointalk
I've made quite a few comments on their twitter awhile back... then they blocked me because they didn't have answers like so:
#cryptocurrency looks like the price of leocoin is dropping because $5 floor promise not upheld by @LEOcoinORG. You should keep your promise
lol @LEOcoinORG blocked me because they've been found out, they are running a #scam in the #cryptocurrency world. #leocoin scam.
oh and my personal favorite
@LEOcoinORG #leo #leocoin find out how Leocoin will be the next paycoin. promises without delivering. $5 promise made, not kept.
Just a reminder to all... Leocoin had once promised a $5 floor