The first update to mcxNOW v2.0 has gone live. Some improvements made on user feedback and some small fixes.
* Show current and total confirmations needed on incoming transactions
* Fixed issue with QR code scanning on chrome browser
* Fixed issue with QR code scanning when the dark theme was enabled
* Better error messages on account page when updating your account settings fails for some reason
* Improved to better explain feeshares and interest payments (thanks Necom, bidji, eeharris)
* Improved main + news page
* Log price with every trade
* Click on nickname highlights chat box
* General chat and exchange page fixes
* Estimated interest rate will now be correct (once a few more interest cycles occur)
* Full ASCII range now allowed in password, and must be a minimum of 12 characters.
If you have any problems seeing your account page it's likely because your browser is caching some old javascript files, so try CTRL+F5 to force it to update.