Isn't blackcoin against NobleCoin, and Mintcoin, and basically every other coin it perceives as competition (all coins)? This is the feeling I have gotten from spending time on all of these forums. I like the idea of working with other coins, and I have been trying to quell some of the hostility between mintcoin and blackcoin myself. But, the blackcoin community hasn't expressed any desire to work with any other coin- quite the opposite they are always talking about destroying all the coins in their path, and how much better they are than every other coin. And they've also never expressed any desire to take an environmental or humanitarian position.
I did not notice any "me against all" attitude before 30 minutes ago (I read the noblecoin quote too by this time). But the way they are acting so childishly (really, I have no other word; I know it only account for a part of them of course) makes me sick.
I am an active proponent of cryptocurrencies. Yesterday I was giving a conference to major bank regarding the importance of bitcoin and I also talked about mintcoin. I learnt a long time ago that wealth come from diversity - I used to have NXT too, but I sold them because I needed some cash to pay back my early misfortunes. I am used to talk with really smart people, full of world-changing ideas. I am a bit like Baudelaire's albatross when I see this kind of attitude. I am shocked and... well, sad. Sad for them.
but the myCoin vs yourCoin attitude comes from the devteams and the users should not get carried away.
Finally a wise sentence! I will go to bed smiling. Merci !
Posting such "Rhetorical" things in such an open and widely viewed forum causes a lot of FUD to a lot of people, and may not be a good idea. Think about the fact that I, as well as others have sent people here to this forum to help them better understand exactly what Mintcoin is about, and what Mintcoin is doing. Then they see that post, and their impression of Mintcoin is not going to be a good one.
Alright, so that must be me. What I really meant is:
what matter is not the currency, it is what we are doing with it. I will update my initial post.
As far as having other coins involved with the Mint Fund, I'm not to keen on that idea. I think the best way to handle something like that, is once the Fund is up and running, and projects are announced, then, and only then we can contact other coins and offer them the ability to donate to the fund for said project, and give them widespread acknowledgement of their involvement as well. This will keep Mintcoin on the same road it started out on, and as things move forward other coins will see that Mintcoin is not just another flavor of the week, and their communities will almost certainly want to get involved with OUR Fund, as long as they get the recognition they would deserve for contributing.
Yes, that was my idea, but I just gave the whole speech to early.
First create, then consolidate, finally extend.
I'm psychologically exhausted. Good night. And thank you.