cant someone start up a normal mining pool
Currently the problem is not with the pools, but with the fact that ALN has no gravity well mechanism installed to adjust difficulty, this is the same problem encountered by MOON earlier this year. Although it says difficulty retargets every 60 minutes I am almost convinced the dev meant every 120 blocks, as a consequence we see what is happening right now, a large pool hits it with several GH/s, difficulty goes up, the pool jumps of the train again and the remaining miners simply can't solve blocks fast enough, blocks take 20-30 minutes to confirm or longer. If my assumption of retargeting diff every 120 block is correct this would mean it will take well over 1 day for difficulty to come down again to a normal level, and from what I can understand from the code adjustment up or down is set at a maximum of 400% at a time.
So all in all until the dev implements KGW this will be a problem that will happen over and over again......
EDIT: a rough calculation shows that with current diff at 4.65 and hashingpower at 19.4MH/s it will take around 34 hours to do 120 blocks, what I cannot see of course is how far in that process we are currently......
Another problem which I just found out is that I cannot send ALNcoins more than somewhere greater than 35,000-40,000 ALNcoins at once; below that "specific limits" you would be asked to pay around 1 ALNcoin to send 35,000 ALNcoins.
Wouldn't it be greater for the wallet (or any cryptocoin wallet) to show beforehand the size limit ? At first, I thought the wallet "send coins" function was not working at all.