Let's say we started mining NBL where can we exchange with BTC?
We have purposely kept it off any exchange for the moment - I will update the Topic with the exchange link that Don is running .
You can offer it on here, or any other forum , there are many trusted sellers..
Question is but :
Unless you have a large amount of hash power why would you sell it straight up now?
It makes little sense ha ha ?
I’m not a master Chess player but... it just wouldn’t make sense to sell a bunch now , but if you are I’ll be a buyer !
You see, there is a general misunderstanding that on to an exchange means success....??
all an exchange is , is a market for buyers and sellers...
Well sure its a success for the Dev if he premined say 2 million , yeah so he can dump them at whatever he can get for them?
but that's not what we are doing here , that's not the type of operation we are running ! : D