guys, we really need to start thinking next step. we need opinions on the merged mining distribution. mining gives everyone a chance to use their GPU and CPU, no asics, and donate to a good cause to receive OCTO. it needs to be a good size of the coin and for a semi-long term. i personally have decided that 8 years is a good time. crypto will change so much, so who knows even in 8 years where we will be. we can do it for longer if the community wants. you can even set it up to just keep halving an kinda mine forever. i'm not sure what the best way is. i was originally thinking about a split between burn/mining/crowd sale/other as a 20/20/20/28.8 as a basic theory. however, we didn't know what the burn total would be. i was even scared that it would reach in the 30-40 million range in which it would be hard not to give a equal sale amount. it's safe to say at this point we prolly won't even hit close to 30. it gives us more flexibility. if we do a 15 burn then you could think more in line with 15burn/15crowdsale1/15crowdsale2/25mining/18.8million other.
the crowd sales would fund projects. the first project i'm already laying out. the second project, honestly, i'm hoping that someone else will come along with a great idea the community wants to see and we rally around them and raise some money for them to make it happen. now one thing that's important to remember, to keep funding more projects after the crowd sales we will have to establish funds for future projects past 2. so they have to be good ideas that can make profits and keep the wheel of projects turning. i think this first project will be a good money maker. but project 2 has to be something that can spurn funding as well. if we keep a % of profits out to fund projects between 2 profitable projects we may be able to fund at least 1 new project a year and maybe more
that would be awesome to grow and supply jobs. if the first project is successful, it should keep a few people working full time.
another thing to consider is the other section of distribution. other will include payouts to other counterparty asset holders as advertising, payouts to community for bounties, payouts to developers, sponsorships, etc.
one really bright note: of the coins i am burning, 250,000 was donated to me anonymously with the instruction to set up a developers fund. so out of the total burn amount, we already have a large amount to the devs without even distributing new OCTO for that purpose. we will post the address that hosts the developers fund and i'm sure more in the OCTO community will donate some small amounts over time. but some will have to come from the OCTO distribution.
if we just use the example of 25 million by 8 years for FoldingCoin merged mining:
3,125,000 per year
260,416 per month
60,096.1538 per week
8,585.16484 per day
357.715201 per hour
that's an even distribution. we could set it up over an 8 year period however we like. we could reward these early miners with a slightly larger payout. we could set it up to halve every year until 8 years is up. we have lots of options.
i am looking for community input on this. as burners and the original community we have the power to decide the distribution. remember, longer period and slower builds the total available slowly as the number of people begin to use OCTO.