If a crypto is ever to become accepted by the mainstream, it has be led by a group of people with real business background.
My only goal and dream is to make Qora as big as Bitcoin. I'm sorry that you don't share my vision.
Also, out of curiosity, do you have a business degree or any real-world business experience?
I cannot argue with someone who is not well-schooled and lack common knowledge.
I'm sorry but when I see people crawl out from under rocks on this forum calling for regulation and legal frameworks so we can be as 'good' as the real financial world I say BS.
I personally would prefer you not only drop the notion but also that you leave the 'foundation' I'm sounding harsh but I don't trust someone who sounds like someone trying to strangle a project about freedom with legality at such an early stage as well. I feel like you acting like a Financial Lawyer on steroids with a suspicious agenda.
Bottom line if something is owned and can be pinned down a government of large money interest can buy it and control its use.
Run away from this stuff people...
You offer no proof of anything like a business degree, you have just stated you have one. if i state i am the king of england does that make it so?
And stop trying to use that business degree to lord over people and try to make it look like you are above anyone else lesser than you, its arrogant and makes you look like a dumb egotistical mother fucker.
Well done you have a business degree , now considering a chimpanzee that has been given 20kg's of cannabis up the ass could earn a business degree, why don't you offer actual proper solutions instead of having your only main arguing point that "you have a business degree"
there are retards in every single profession just because you have a degree doesn't make you any better than anyone else, if just makes you a completely useless cunt to try and use it over people whenever you are trying to force your opinion on other people
fuck off you useless fucking idiot