I keep hearing this. Perhaps someone can explain the following to me:
QQC and VelocityCoin were both launched at about the same time and both are very similar. Right now QQC is selling for almost .00004 while VelocityCoin is selling for .000005 or 1/4 the price of QQC.
Now QQC has 1/2 as many potential coins, so a 2x1 price I could understand. But the price is actually 4x1.
In addition, VelocityCoin has MORE hash currently than QQC.
On top of that, QQC advocates keep complaining that the price is way too low, while VelocityCoin advocates seem to think the price is about right to start. Why should someone be bullish on QQC at these prices instead of VelocityCoin?
If someone could explain this I would love to know.
Because science
I was afraid this would be all the answer I got.
And I was afraid that people like you would come and preach your nonsense to this thread! QQcoin advocates value it more than you value your coin. We are also reaching for China market you are reaching to copycat QQcoin!
You feel enlighted now? Yes? Good for you!!!
Lol. I own both coins. But thanks for confirming my hunch that QQC is just better at the hype game.
Ohh brother...
1.) You dont own nothing but the coins you have, you may have Developed the coin which in fact I know you didnt.
2.) Dont forget that we can see your forum history posts so your not fooling anyone.
3.) Im not going to FEED your trolling anymore.
Lol. Wut?
I own some of both coins. Did you not comprehend that simple sentence? When did I say anything about being a developer? You said, and I quote, "QQcoin advocates value it more than you value your coin."
So, I said I own both. I have no reason to see QQCoin fail or otherwise troll it. But I have VERY good reason to valuate it. And right now the valuation seems to be hype and promise. That's fine, but its not necessarily a better vehicle than other less hyped coins.