Staking numbers are based on yearly averages. Trying to calculate it day to day will be very inaccurate, which is why coinage will affect the amount you stake. All of this is standard to every PoS coin ever made
Just because you are eligible to stake doesn't mean you will immediately. When you are mining, does every calculation solve a block?
With mining its easy. You join a pool where you are ok with the system of payouts and thats it , if after a day or 2 something is wrong you GTFO and change the pool, now with this coin what am i to do drop it to 100sat like a bad habit?? With all your nice propaganda on the chatbox that people are doing good getting in on the coin before the 80,000 block you forgot to tell them that they are screwed because , the period of staking will be dogshit.
And once they will get a nice stake the coin will be 1sat.
Except there are no pools. So do you destroy your miners because they don't find you a solo block the first 2 hours you turn them on?
The coin is working flawlessly. Usually I am nice, but since we are getting hostile right away...don't blame a coin because you don't understand how a PoS system works on the backend