A servicenode is a node which runs continuously (24/7) on a server and which provides services within the spreadcoin network.
You have to pay a collateral to be able to install a servernode (in return your servicenode will earn a steady income).
This collateral is determined by a free market price discovery.
(No fix collateral. The price is allowed to fluctuate over time.)
what do i need for this?
apparently if you own x amount of spread then you will receive x amount of helium around august 1st.
this probably will change due to the bitcoin segwit48 thingy (or wtf its called)happening around same time.
helium snapshot/ air drop 1 to 1 for all spreadcoin holders
and you keep your spread... yay!!
And with 1000 helium you can run a helium masternode thingy ( that's like an extra special mining thingy)
don't even ask me what a servicenode thingy is . haven't figured it out yet....... (i'm working on it)