How much profit can I make from 1 masternode?
That will depend upon variables such as:
1. How many SPR Mr. Spread requires a masternode to have.
2. What percentage of a block reward goes to masternodes versus miners.
3. How many masternodes there are.
4. How much you pay for your VPS.
At present, Darkcoin masternodes have an excellent ROI.That's not entirely correct. That all depends on the price which someone bought in at. At one time DRK was almost ten times its current valuation. People that bought in then are merely recovering some of their investment and are still underwater. DRK was pumped to unsustainable levels. I hope that doesn't happen to Spreadcoin but I am seeing the same thing that happened with Darkcoin happening in this thread and many of the same people that were adamant that Darkcoin would replace litecoin for the second spot have now moved to this coin.
I'm not convinced that masternodes are the right path forward. They have an element of centralization about them. If there was a way to limit how many nodes a single entity could operate that would negate much of the centralization factor. But there isn't and it looks like a few entities will control the majority of masternodes if they are implemented. Just like Darkcoin where there are 1800 masternodes but also people running dozens to over one hundred. The same thing will happen with Spreadcoin. The amount of masternodes is meaningless when there are several entities controlling a large percentage of them. I also don't see the need for Spreadcoin to be an anonymous coin. That's more of a niche market and not something for mass adoption.
I think reinforcing the solo mining aspect and ensuring that all miners are on an equal footing with mining software is more important to maintain the decentralization that this coin was touted as having in the beginning. Currently there is a private optimized miner and a rush to implement masternodes that will only increase the centralization of this coin.
I hate to rain on anyone's parade and I was mining this coin in the beginning so I would benefit from a substantial increase in value. But please lets not turn this into another pump and dump coin. That only benefits a few and harms those that come in later when the value of their investment evaporates and people move onto another newer coin and repeat the process all over again. From what I have been reading there are those that are trying to steer it down that path.
I'm not fudding I'm just voicing my concerns and opinion. I have seen many coins come and go. All hyped all dumped. I started mining this coin because I have a distaste for pooled mining and this coin was solo mining only giving everyone a chance to mine coins. Now some of what made this coin unique is being eroded due to private optimized miners and a rush towards centralized nodes. I heard the same arguments in the Darkcoin thread about masternodes yet I haven't seen the mass adoption or increase in value that many claimed would happen. Some of those making those claims are now in this thread making those same claims. Those claims have not been met with Darkcoin so I don't see why it would be any different with Spreadcoin. If masternodes are such a great thing then why not invest more in Darkcoin? It already has "first mover" advantage, an established community, a team of devs, and a plan going forward that includes masternodes at the core. So at this point I'm not convinced in the viability or need for another anonymous coin using masternodes. Masternodes also take away from the miners. So if you're a miner you lose while others get what was taken away for merely holding a certain amount of coins on a $7 a month VPS.
I think MrSpread needs to make a decision on the future for this coin and let everyone know so they can either get on board or depart. I'll most likely hang onto my coins either way but others might decide otherwise. Emulating Darkcoin in my opinion is not the best path to take. I will say it again though, making sure everyone is on equal footing with regards to mining software is much more important than rushing to setup a masternode network so a few large holders can setup as many as they can and just sit back collecting Spreadcoins. I personally am in a position to setup many nodes so I am actually arguing against my own potential future profits. It's just that I believe completely in decentralization and I see that slipping away.