I'm beginning to come to huge realizations here on why Spreadcoin is different:
-Lack of pools means miners don't get a steady stream of income but rather must now devote time and must have a sense of belief in the coin that they will eventually find a block. This belief has been lacking for a year now since the emergence of mega-miners and pools. This sense of belief is also what leads to buying on exchanges as some miners either a) figure out that buying and holding makes more economic sense than mining and waiting, or b) lose patience with waiting to find a block.
-Dynamic masternodes will basically cause these same believers from above to do whatever it takes to continue holding a masternode. Mr. Spread has stumbled upon what could likely be a major feature for every Crypto going forward, including bitcoin. As Mr. Spread continues with innovations, Spread's believers will fight to continue holding their masternodes. Miners, who no longer have the patience to wait for blocks, will instead prefer to run masternodes to increase their SPR.
-Like bitcoin, eventually the believers and miners will increase so much and will become so vocal that merchants will have no choice but to accept Spreadcoin.
IMO Marketing now should be decentralized in the form of us constantly figuring out what the payout is to miners (SPR/mh/day). We know SPR is one of the only profitable coins to mine, so take that message to the mining boards here on bitcointalk.org. I took that message to them a week ago and suddenly difficultly has doubled along with price and there were dozens of posts here from new faces asking how to mine...and we're again on the precipice of yet another move up for both.
Anyhow, again, the lack of pools means miners have to devote time, effort and belief into SPR... And that is what makes value go up, not a cheesy PR article appearing on Yahoo Finance's business PR page or an article on Coinbase which the PnD crowd use for a short-term pop.
TL;DR Spreadcoin is very subtlety different. No pools means a different mindset is needed,, and a sense of devotion, not unlike the mindset bitcoin had years ago before ASICs. And dynamic masternodes will only create buying frenzies among these devoted. And eventually those devoted will demand merchant acceptance.
You bring very valid points regarding miners' devotion towards a coin with no pools
Solo-mining can be incredibly painstaking, especially when you go long hours without blocks.
Speaking of mining... do you think we should set up a community bounty address towards an improved miner?