I've been pondering Spreadcoin and what it would take for it to become a top 5 coin. Probably the most important factor is massive adoption. Coming back to that in a second, we see a lot of people not wanting to point their CPU to Spreadcoin because the hash would be so low that it would take XX days to find a block. I understand their lack of desire. People like instant and constant gratification, not gratification every 37 days. And yet, due to the nature of SPR, we need every little bit of hash possible to help avoid large farms taking over. How can we solve this and see massive adoption?
Would it be possible for the following:
When masternodes are implemented, found blocks have the following distribution:
1. xx% to miners who find the block
2. xx% to masternode owners
3. xx% to masternodes which are then automatically distributed evenly to all miners, irrespective of hash rate. So that miner with 25kh on their old laptop sees some SPR trickle in on a regular basis so it's worth it to them to help secure the network. And thus, more people take part in mining SPR and adoption/distribution becomes vastly wider.
All 3 of my old laptops gathering dust would be brought out of the closet if something like this were implemented.
Coins are "Spread" to a much wider audience and the hash rate would explode.
For #3 to be implemented, either the network (the miners) or the masternodes would need to keep a record of who's mining during each block. If they are doing that, they might as well keep a record of how much hash they have too, and pay miners proportionally. So you could continue to have the security benefits of solo mining, but miners would also enjoy the benefits of steady income a la pools. But without the pools.
This would need some serious reworking of the whole system though.
Your proposal would probably be simpler to implement - the code already exists to pay the masternodes x%, Mr Spread would just need to add some code to take a portion of the MN split and have the MNs push it out to all miners connected at the time. eg. Winning MN that block gets say 60% of the block reward, then sends half of it to all connected miners.
So everyone gets something, but bigger miners are still in with a chance of getting the 40% solo block reward. (Percentages are examples only.)
But I am speculating well above my technical pay grade again...