I've been thinking about this for a few days and I'm in the 'yes, do it' mode at the moment.
I'm thinking of launching a DRK clone, but using spread solo mining.
I'm thinking of taking on board the branding issues people feel is a problem with DRK going mainstream, adding the SPR solo mining, then just keeping tabs on developments with DRK and other clones and making sure the best bits gets into the new coin.
I have a name picked out and an additional strategy to rival DRK, while still using DRK and SPR code. I am also in discussions with a couple of good devs who could provide the necessary support.
Any thoughts?
Clone coins will not succeed long term in the ever-changing world of cryptocurrency. To be top 10, you need talented devs like Evan Duffield and Mr. Spread. Short term you might do ok, but I'm interested in solid mid to long term investments only which is why I invest in talented devs, not coins with a nice name and shiny logo. I'm not saying don't do it, but I suspect simply investing in SPR would be more lucrative overall. But hey, if you think you can be successful, more power to you.
But SPR is more or less a clone