Not all things US Gov are bad, I like flushing my toilet and having my garbage picked up weekly. Anyway, I think his point is be careful about using Poloniex for your IPO because the Gov can shut it down pretty easily.
wow, you dont have to live in garbage and the toilets actually work!
USA is a paradise indeed. Hardly anywhere else in the world has such luxuries
you probably even have hot water and electricity!
Now seriously, just how primitive do you think the rest of the world is?
Lol, exactly my thoughts, in fact I live right now in a so-called third world country where I have way better facilities and services that the average American has (obviously, will differ in different areas). US people have to take a peek outside sometimes.
Note: You can be sure that James' and my posts are not a critic, but a CALL for US people to wake up and realize what's going on.
Well, you are being a critic, even if that guy commenting about garbage pick-ups deserved some crap. And, while I am as Libertarian as the next crypto investor, this thought that the dollar is doomed and yet somehow things will be OK elsewhere in the world is delusional. When the dollar goes (and yes, I think it will, if this keeps up), the whole world is going to plunge into a massive depression. Gold and silver will be the only currency that counts. Maybe Bitcoin, but even that is iffy. The average person has about as much trust in the safety (from getting hacked) of crypto as they do a used car salesman.
precious metal backed multisig protected crypto is one of my projects for next year
fiat world depression is unfortunately inevitable. USD devaluation will affect all major currencies except CNY and maybe ruble as they are making for non-USD denominations in their major dealings. Also China is like one dozen Japans all in an internal economy with only one of them outward facing. China will do just fine in a global depression, in fact they will be the ones to benefit the most. I have most my fiat in CNY for this reason, not that I have much fiat at all
Will USA have the political will to sell of 10 trillion USD worth of its assets? I think this would be the vast amounts of land it has. GrandCanyon to Disney, etc. this I think is not so politically possible. So the easier way is to just do the "takings". They have already started this some years ago to set the precedent that if a piece of land is better serving the public, then it should be owned by the public and thus the private ownership is stripped. Now maybe some token amount is paid, not sure of details.
to me this is the setting up of this precious precedent. So, now when USA is running out of money, it is of course to use this precedent of takings that is now many years standing as the base to start applying eminent domain to more than just land. Imagine if the politicos change the law for eminent domain to allow takings for "land or any other asset" or some such general language.
Then using this new law and the precedents of the hundreds of takings (I think these are starting in small ways to minimize the complaints, but now bolder and bolder) how long before all of USA people's assets are at risk? The massive taxation is not enough to feed the USA govt appetite, it needs to obtain trillions of USD to keep its current size. Will it do the right thing for its people, or the easy thing for its politicos?
Now this expansion of eminent domain I dont think has happened yet, but I am not up to date on all the insane laws of USA, so maybe it is already started? If you are having any amount of wealth and in USA, I advise to get most of it offshore if you can. I heard they are "cracking down" on such things since of course USA citizens should not have any right to move their money outside USA, they must be protected from all the bad things that can happen.
In Argentina this has happened and it made things go from bad to worse and USA is following in their footsteps!
Maybe Argentina's football team is not making the best showing, USA is learning from Argentina how to properly destroy the economy fast as possible.