FYI, just traded all my available BTC on Cryptsy into TAG, so I´m `all - in´ for this moment.
Supply and demand causes the fall. Tag has been overvalued to the moon and is now adjusting to its real value - close to zero.
Im sorry for your loss, now watch it crash and burn.
Lol.. yeah, let's not think of the other coins with even greater supply than demand and aren't facing an issue..
Sounds like a buying opportunity folks.
I agree with you. Hope to see you back in this topic when the price did rise again, Steam20. (Or do you want the price to decrease so you can stack-up your TAG?s ^^).
Yeah right. Let me tell you something. Garbage like tag is making the whole cryptoscene look bad. If all the bullshitcoins died it would be better for everybody in the long run.
Tagcoin better than yours