Anyone knows the easiest way to get MasterCard or VISA that you can use to spend crypto? Any company will do
You may be struggling.
I take it you are not resident in the EU?
VISA & MasterCard both put something in place which means card issuers for Crypto cards can only issue them to people in the EU. Doesn't affect just TenX. It affects any Crypto card issuer who is VISA or MasterCard certified. They are all in the same boat.
There are three things involved effectively. The company behind the card (TenX in this case), the card issuer (was WaveCrest, think they may have been replaced now?) and the card certifier (in this case, VISA). Rules work their way down the chain. And the non-EU part is a VISA/MasterCard decision (VISA made it first, MasterCard followed later), so they all get affected.
I believe this should be resolved in the longer term. That was certainly the aim. But I don't know what the current state of play is.
For me, TenX is a long term hold anyway. But even taking a long term view, they really need to get North America and Asia back on board. Especially Asia. I'm still expecting that to happen, but don't know when ....
non resident EU Q1 2018