September 28th Terracoin Update - Countdown!We are counting down to the hard fork which will happen in approximately 42 hours!!
If you are wondering why the date or time seems to flucutate that is because when we calculate the date we use the block time of two minutes. In reality, blocks aren't generated every two minutes but when a block is solved. This usually averages out to around 2 minutes but lately it has taken a little bit longer, which is why the time keeps changing.
As we get closer you can calculate a rough guess yourself. Take 1,0875,000 (the hard fork block) and subtract the current block. This can be found on a block explorer such as or in your wallets on the information tab. Then divide that number by 30 which is the number of blocks an hour.
For example: 1087500-1086238=1262. 1262/30≈42 hours.
Join us in our countdown!
In other news Cryptopia has put their wallet in maintenance to upgrade for the hard fork!
I am regularly checking on the other exchanges to make sure things are happening.
I will update as I get info.
This is an exciting time for Terracoin so please join our forums and social media to be there for the hard fork!
Thanks and sorry this weekly update is late. I am a little behind today, kind of like the blockchain.
Also there are already over 200 masternodes online!
If you haven't updated your wallet to 12.1.5 please do before the hard fork!
Numbers30 days ago we were at 0.00002435 BTC (.1069 USD) and today we are at 0.00005160 BTC (.2102 USD).
A year ago we were at 0.00000400 BTC (.0024 USD).
We are ranked 287 on coinmarketcap with a market cap of $4,492,054 USD. Last week our market cap was $2,445,562 USD.
Donation AddressesTerracoin: 12bTKJL3UiypnVQMyFXg7eCJudAyAtgh6p
Bitcoin: 14LW52k8vhHvHaGfmgx48d3su4RcKPyKcc
Terracoin Donations for the World Address1BQH6gBzkxxyMQG3VSJCHnmVGfWu64nbPL
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