All my local coins are locked in "Stake:" so I'll wait to send when they're available... may be a little bit
Less talking, more staking! Go go go! :p
I tried the connecting to one node thing, but I still can't get past 9500.
edit: Also, should I be trying with peers who are at 10325 or 10330?
edit2: up to 10012
simply restart the wallet and wait a few mins in between, should work as well. repeat until u have all blocks.
if u try the "connect" method: if possible, choose a client with 10330.
what repeatedly worked for me if i try to resync the blockchain completely:
delete blockchain files, connect, sync to ~ 9000, restart, sync to ~ 9500, next time ~ 10000, then 10330.
edit: you know that the "current number of bocks" are important, not the estimated total?
edit2: if it doesnt work, delete the blk* files from %appdata%\triangles (windows) and start over with syncing
edit3: hint: try a full resync with:
triangles-qt.exe -connect=lkta5xj5nlnxxmrt.onion. i get stuck @ 9000, 9500, 10000 each time, but it also continues to sync after restart each time. so somewhat reliable.
Great! It worked! I'm on block 10332. Unfortunately, the 50 test coins I sent from bittrex didn't show up. Are we on a different fork?
If there are different forks, is it possible to find the node/nodes bittrex is using?
If we are on the right fork, is it possible to create a bootstrap.dat? The one mentioned earlier didn't work for me.
Thanks for your help. If we can get this chain moving, I'll send you a couple hundred TRI from bittrex.
Also, most people probably know how to do this, but if not, here's the complete idiot's guide for Windows users.
You should be starting from block 0.
1. Name the folder you have all the triangles files in triangles
2. Drag the triangles folder to your C: drive
3. Copy the following line:
C:\triangles\triangles-qt.exe -connect=lkta5xj5nlnxxmrt.onion
5. hold windows key and press r
4. type cmd
5. hit enter
6. Right click anywhere in the command prompt
7. Press p
8. Press Enter
9. Wait until you get to block 9000 and 5 minutes after
10. Close the triangles-qt.exe program
11. Go back to the command prompt and do steps 6-8
12. Wait until you get to block 9500 and 5 minutes after
13. Close the triangles-qt.exe program
14. Go back to the command prompt and do steps 6-8
15. Wait until you get to block 10000 and 5 minutes after
16. Close the triangles-qt.exe program
17. Go back to the command prompt and do steps 6-8
18. Should be synced up now
19. Close triangles-qt.exe program one more time and open it from the GUI as you would normally (double-click)