set min_proto_version to 70101 in version.h - Check
Linux built with current sources - Check
First try(Command: ./triangles-qt): Synced to 9500
Second try(Command: ./triangles-qt): Synced to 10000
Result: Stuck at 10000...
getpeerinfo got me some nodes with startingheight of 10325
One of them was the node: rw6umok4f6hljuqv.onion:24112
Third try (Command: Synced to ./triangles-qt -connect=rw6umok4f6hljuqv.onion:24112): Synced to 10325
However when I now simply start the wallet without a specific node, it is synced to 10325 (Block #10325 is now 2 days old) and stay there (in red: "Out of sync"). Is this because no synced node (over block #10325) is online?
btw. The blockexplorer is down.