i did update my node yesterday. most respect for your work!
Another blasphemic idea: if it is possible to run all those different passport currencys on top of ubic blockchain, wouldnt it be also possible to run one additional "sans papiers" ubic currency on that blockchain too, low level security just with for example recaptcha / email /( mobile, but that costs something)? You can use the wallet and trade ubic without having to register passport, right? We know that Sybil Attacker can fake thousands of accounts and try to harvest such a currency, they would most likely do. But what if that nonsafe currency trades free against passport currency anyway? Wouldnt it have a free market value higher than zero just for engaging new people without passports or for engaging people who care extremly for their anonymity, by a faktor x lower, but still with value because it gives you a sense of beeing part of something? And you can still level up to real passport (and probably faktor X0.000 higher ubi) if you like?
I had in mind the idea of creating a hybrid solution that would combine a web of trust with the use of the current E-Passport approach.
Under this scheme every E-passport holder would be able to certify 3 other people. If someone gets 5 certifications he would get a UBI too.