I submitted a Bitfury h board for fab and got the following message
1. It appears that your design has 9-12 mil holes, we require a minimum of 15mil drill with drill+10 pads for vias and drill+15 pads for mounting holes.
2. We found over 5 thousand isntances of 5.8-5.9 mil spacing, we require a minimum of 6mil spacing and no less than 6.
Can someone comment if these changes can be easily done in Eagle?
The only holes I can think of are on the vias, there should be somewhere where you can change the default via size to 15 mil holes with 10 mil pads
No idea how to do it in eagle, i've always used diptrace.
Any idea why the via(s) were 9mil to begin with? I mean what gives on changing to 15mil?