Yes after the failure the funds are still visible in the z-address, I only shielded my mined funds to the z-address.
Did you leave room for the fee by subtracting 0.0001 from the total, or send much less than the amount?
Tested it with all possible amounts, even with only 1 VRSC it shows this error message.
Can you try the following:
1. Close the wallet software
2. Backup your wallet - on Windows, it is in \Users\
3. Delete everything in that VRSC directory, except VRSC.conf and wallet.dat (it should be fine, just good to backup before deleting anything in that directory)
4. Reload the wallet and wait until sync
5. Confirm your balances
It's likely that will solve the problem, and if so, you had some corruption in your local chain state.
I have done the needed steps but I can not send even 1 VRSC, screenshot:
Please help
Anybody? Verus? Btw i can transfer funds beteeen z addresses but cant transfer to transparent one
I may know what the problem is and if so, there is a fix in the coming wallet. Do you only have money in z-addresses and not t? If so, that will be fixed shortly. I will PM you with something to try.
Thx for your reply. Yes, only on z addresses now. Thanks!
Hi, I can't PM you. We have intermediate builds that are likely to fix the issue, but they are not considered released. You can try one from my google drive:
[edit: I deleted these links because they will fork at height 10080, we will release the actual update tomorrow, which will be a critical update that will activate on Tuesday. Please upgrade ASAP, especially if you have these intermediate wallets. If they cause you to fork, I can help you get back on.]
I hope this helps.