it will never hit cinni coins current price not even 3k
I was more referring to its market cap..
it is 2 x higher than cinni, making me think as it stands cinni was the better place to look. 2 Days ago when I started comparing they were about the same... Cinni also looks to have bottomed, or is this just the start for WC, what do people think?
Is there something unique around whitecoin im missing?
Answer is simple because BC could did 100x jump WC can do it too...Look strato thinking way ...
He missed part that BC was worth on 60-70 coinmarket cap when madness started and WC is in top 20.
Nothing but greed in this Whitecoin forum. Everyone is either talking about how the coin is at an all time low so buy in, or that they are being manipulated by blackcoiners, or whatever excuse that will cut in with there profits in whitecoin. Whitecoin is centered around profit and that alone. They saw blackcoin skyrocket and a few became rich who held BC from the beginning but blackcoin actually isnt greedy fucks trying to make a quick buck. Either is cinnicoin. Whitecoiners refuse to acknowledge that they were played, scammed, similar to mtgox minus the amount of money that was actually manipulated. but still dedicated whitecoiners that were in it for a quick dollar cant realize the fact they were scammed so they want to disregard the truths and live in some fairy tale that this shitcoin that isnt even coded correctly will make them a fortune. Lol. Goodluck guys.