I don't have time to sift through all the shit talking posts. Has there been an update regarding the new wallet?
the git is changing so they are working on it. I bet it is a VERY simple fix. I mean how hard can it be to copy paste bc.
chunky have a lot going into this and they will get it fixed and taken over.
The rest is fud.
the whole thread is fud (fucking utterly dumb)
You could say the same to most coins released after LTC. Regardless of that some have become very successful. I know BC guys blame WC for it's tumble. I wouldn't though and yes i probably have MORE BC than you and i am not crying about it, the strong will rise and the weak will fall. Mostly dilution will happen to all coins until something very different comes along and remains closed source. I know people don't like that idea but really any new idea will be cloned and diluted again. The next big idea i hope remains closed source.
If BC and WC were to work together that would actually be better for them.
Some people trying to introduce racial feeling into coins is clearly bad for crypto.
that's why WC needs to be taken down clearly the dev is a child and did it clearly based on racial marketing trying to start a war.
why has it got anything to do with race? i never heard this until today??
The dev we don't know ... we know the OP but he was not the dev.
Chunky are taking over this coin, they have way more pull than most single devs. So this is a good thing for WC.
I have both WC and BC. Both have communities that seem passionate, there is no need for the fudding in each others threads.
As far as i know there was no scam in either of these coins. The WC dev sold his 0.75% or so we are told. That is it really i see no huge issue....I don't agree with any premine. Or if there is a premine should be handed to escrow and given back to the devs over time for continued work.
The BC devs must have some interest in their coin ? mined or bought? who cares the start was fair on both.
The pos seems borked, but you can be sure it is a fix that most devs can mend with ease. Really this is quite a lot of FUD for nothing major.