Meanwhile, coin is falling into nothingness. No buy support whatsoever.
There was never any large buy support, and most (but not all) buys have eaten straight off the ask side. The value right now is higher than 2 weeks ago, with some ups and downs along the way, as is to be expected. Meanwhile, anyone that is staking, has generally increased their position in terms of absolute number of coins. What the hell are you even talking about?
What's important, is to see development moving ahead. I think that with the XAI crowd funding taking up some of Cedric's time as well, it's only natural that it will be a couple of days before we have an update, perhaps only after the crowd funding is closed. There's also something about people eating turkey and going on a shopping spree, but I suppose that's not for everyone
I've actually been heads down focused on banging out a Quotient update/code drop and am aiming for a push EOD tomorrow or first thing Monday morning. Also working on a few other things that go with it but you will see when that plays out. I picked up a fantastic domain name to use partially for the QDEX feed as well as a few other features *cough* asset platform *cough*.
One of the things we are looking at is bumping the transaction fee, as a counterbalance to inflation, and perhaps having the tx fees "burned". 5 XQN is a number that was being thrown around. We have some time to think about that and reach a decision.
I think once we get past this big BTC auction and there is more clarity in the market surrounding the Mt Gox coin handling, things will pick back up again, generally speaking. Friday will be an interesting trading day, between the outcome of the auction on the 4th and futures settlement. Between now and then I expect alt markets to remain pretty flat.
This project can easily stand on its own, it has a purpose and a dedicated developer. I would like to see the stake drop to something more like 5% over a short amount of time. I also think having a max coin cap would greatly increase the long term value of this project going forward. Once we reach that cap stakes could be paid out from network fees, etc.
I really feel that a cap on the max coin supply and dropping interest will help things tremendously long term and reward @CedricQuotient for all his hard work!
My two cents for what its worth and hopefully we will get some more(better) ideas than mine.