Using the following batch file but i am getting 55k/h what i am doing wrong
sgminer -k darkcoin -o stratum+tcp:// -u xxxx -p xxxx
-w 256,256,256 -I 13,13,13 -g 2 --lookup-gap 2,2,2 --gpu-powertune -20,-20,-20
--temp-overheat 85,85,85 --temp-cutoff 90,90,90 --gpu-memclock 1500,1500,1500 --gpu-engine 1000,1000,1000 --thread-concurrency 8191,8191,8191
I am having 3 asus 280x and how to configure sgminer for X11 algo can some one share their settings including config file and how to create batch file
Thanks for your help
leave the same as scrypt