Most probably the same that DDoS'ed suprnova before.. Hmm.. Interesting...
Not sure if thats good or bad for Hiro...
This one is fake share abusing, not related to dos.
Pool Hash Rate 10144.138 MH/s
Pool Efficiency 98.57%
Current Active Workers 148
Current Difficulty 128.05373431
Est. Next Difficulty 126.09326476 (Change in 25 Blocks)
Est. Avg. Time per Round (Network) 1 minute 1 second
Est. Avg. Time per Round (Pool) 56 seconds
Est. Shares this Round 32782 (done: 409.08%)
Next Network Block 33487 (Current: 33486)
Last Block Found 33481
Time Since Last Block 5 minutes 16 seconds
Block Finder Time Actual Shares
33481 undernoxo 30/03 01:07:17 1,312,310
33430 mini 30/03 00:24:47 234,820
33402 VovxZeEL 29/03 23:53:21 40,546
33388 333041 29/03 23:38:46 277,623
33293 sknobs 29/03 22:03:06 8,973
This is even worse, as the "regular" miners don't get the correct share anymore..
But it makes me wonder.. Two incidents within short time, same coin...