So I have a couple of thousand coins just sitting in unconfirmed and have had for days.
I've also not stake anything since the 5th July.
When will the unconfirmed balance mature and will it ever?
Also, is it normal to have not received anything for 5 days? I'm trying to stake but no love.
Took me about a week to get mine. A whopping 360 Bits.
I have about 100K bits (all mined
), getting a staking average of 500 bits a week with it... somedays I get nothing... other days they keep coming out of nowhere... So just be patient all, staking is a fixed yearly %... so eventually you will get some...
Your vision of reality seem a little too pessimistic compared with mine.
If my vision of reality seems to pessimistic compared to yours it is because of life experience.
There are two kinds of people in this world my friend.
Those who can (afford to) make mistakes every day and those that can make no mistakes at all. Guess which I am.
That's a bit too black and white. I'm pretty sure there are more kinds of people than those two.
Anyways, I'm sure we understand each other enough now. So let's focus on Bitstarcoin again.
I'm willing to donate some BITS to a dev bounty fund if it's for a good cause.
This is a good idea.... what about setting up a communitychest dev.. So you can set a few more bounties...
Like a Android wallet/IOS wallet, Faucets, 2nd blockexplorer, etc etc...
im willing too donate 5K out of my pocket