It may not be a "game changer"
Ok, I want to clarify a few things here about what is happening with BITS, as I'm sure many of you are perking up at the idea of the coin finally being recognised for the commitment and effort the dev has been consistently giving these last few months.
Firstly, I'm not part of the dev team, I'm just someone who threw a few ideas at him a while back to see how he would run with them as this coin has always struck me as solid, but oh-so-quiet.
I have to say, right out, I absolutely disagree with his comment that the new features will not be a "game changer". In my honest opinion, I believe they are going to do exactly that, for BITS and, when they can figure out how to do it, other coins that will no doubt want to snatch some ideas from the new BITS wallet.
Whilst I do not feel it is my place to discuss the specifics of what is coming, I am able to confidently state that some of the new features will blow your tiny minds.
To give you a better idea of the direction I believe this coin project is going to go in, I would say look towards those other, more well-known coins, that are bringing value-added services to their stable in order to provide better functionality and greater utility. Whilst some of the new features will be centralised and managed by the dev, for now, the long term goals are to incorporate them into p2p decentralised structures.
I am sure you will recognise that it is far more valuable to have the features made available now that can bring so much more value across the board, to this coin, than to hold back and wait until the p2p advancements allow them to be implemented.
Whilst some coins are obsessing about Anonymous transactions, the rest of us just want something we can use, that we can play with and create a market for. That isn't to say that Anon isn't going to happen, it's just not what is going to elevate this coin above the rest.
Speaking of Anon, I had already mentioned to the dev that his continued anonymity might cause some reservation in those who would otherwise back the project and, like most of us, whilst he did think about it, he has said he *really* would rather not have to 'out' himself on the internet. I think this aspect is still a little controversial but I do absolutely understand, given the nature of some of the psychologies on display around this forum.
What I would say, instead, is that maybe we need to help him out ourselves in this regard and find some people who would be willing to become the public face of this project. That way he could privately communicate with them and keep his personal details offline, while the coin would gain a better image.
No, I'm not doing it, you lot are 'mostly harmless', but some are batshit crazy.
So, now you know that things are definitely going to step up a gear, it's time for you to do a little more than HODL, you are going to have contribute ideas and make a little effort to allow the dev to do his dev thing while the promotion and marketing and whole 'social network' stuff, can be down to the rest of the BITS community.