This is not about you, you are giving yourself too much importance. I was just saying how my warning that buy wall @ 0.0025 BTC was the last chance for people to get the most for their money was received. Look at it now, they can get 30% more for the same amount of BTC, and when I warned it's obvious this will happen you and ton of others just buried it under claims it's not true because it didn't fit your interests. I'm writing this not to "slander you", but to make people think for themselves, not to trust claims from people whose position is not necessarily the same as their position.
Your statements make absolutely no sense at all. People had chance to purchase at that price and most did in order to meet the goal. Don't think for a minute that we did not plan on trolls like you helping the weak investor dump lower than the 10% and getting even more coins at a lower price. Keep talking shit, but this project is going forward with you with out you so your trolls have both positive and negative effects. Pro tip: do your homework and learn how trading works. I'm not impressed. Again, "Mess with the Bull, you get the Horns".
Next time I go where it really hurts ;0