competition is good for business and risk diversification is highly recommend -[ANNOUNCEMENT]- First Asset
New Asset with 2% Interest a Month / 24% a Interest a Year / Highly Secure Asset Name – BdeBank
Total number available – 500.000
Initial Price – 50 Burst
Asset Number (ID)– 4053085726300717216
First payout is the first of April!2% interest montly! This asset pays out 2% interest monthly. One B.deBank Asset = 50 Burst. 2% of 50 Burst = 1 Burst / month payout.URL: monthly payout! Every first day of the month i will payout all interest of the assets. Regardless how long you are owner oft them. Also if you bought the assets one day before the first.
Save Investment! The interests are covered and backed by my mining system. If all shares are sold, i have to pay 500.000 Burst intrest a month. My Miners make average 25.000 Burst per day, whats in a month 750.000 Burst. So the payment of interest is secured forever. Also i am actually bring up more miners, also, look above, this is covert with my burst account with 8.4 Million Burstcoins atm.
Instant Cashout without loss! Also you can cashout anytime. I will buy back the assets from you. Therfore i will place a buy order for every sold asset with a price of 50 Burst. The price what i pay for the payback will decrease 1% every month. Buywall will be created instantly after the first sales and adapted every first day of the month. is the name oft the german website of burst , with mining guides, best practises, how tos, a manual for beginners, example hardwares from my miners, scripts for tracking the mining tasks, news over burst, etc. and information for the german community is actually daily added.
Bobafett is my username in and I´m mining and investing in Burst qfilsince the beginning. I invested over 8500 Euros since now in Burst (bought with btc) and mining hardware. Until now i never sold any of my coins because i really belive this coin has a bright future.
Bobafett is the owner oft the account BURST-AJ63-3W8L-FGBT-2ALZE and now holding over 8.4 Million Burst and is now Top 11 of all Burst holders .
Bobafett is mining with over 120TB every day and my next miner is acutally plotting. My daily minded income of burst are between 20.000 and 30.000 Burst.
Payout Done!Amount paid, Account, TX
58490, BURST-G7KZ-8XRM-NB3B-6L7GY, 9097407373817473681
20500, BURST-YS55-JXPL-BJKB-ATVQJ, 553110890103492189
20000, BURST-H2AK-CKC4-HCU3-7JCP7, 8364713766772615096
20000, BURST-LF5W-A9EN-Z95T-CBMX6, 10766433503733601196
20000, BURST-B3QN-4W4Z-ZK74-EKWJG, 11486421818844072383
19040, BURST-PC4J-ETQQ-VYHC-BPYHP, 13181019263987851688
18530, BURST-EDTR-SU3E-VV64-3ALJJ, 6366042187877426900
7114, BURST-7Q8V-B4AB-N6WY-CYXFG, 8836551787143988067
6565, BURST-Z35B-QZQ5-S8RA-6ELV8, 13958502299334611593
5198, BURST-CNM8-9FB7-E43L-8DE38, 140724919027350136
4232, BURST-AAAA-GCP8-7C4H-2EGH6, 15374900104433540360
3257, BURST-79PK-DGC2-M4XP-HUAVB, 4964574616799709085
3000, BURST-ZTDL-LH9B-G2XJ-G6NGB, 6618573023392095216
2000, BURST-S37A-4WRB-RJ35-7WN5A, 6568129474221216784
2000, BURST-LP4P-JQ5S-G634-DXNMQ, 15636338202910073986
1190, BURST-2DEM-EBGV-GVCS-HNK6U, 7339981742076837065
1125, BURST-LTEA-5UUG-LCVC-ATU64, 699440735854673318
1050, BURST-G5EG-7MQ2-QJJ9-7VRCG, 9342476437284677158
1000, BURST-L9Y6-FFHR-E9D6-7AR56, 11248099802739700064
1000, BURST-X2LG-EB5R-JWTE-8D8ZA, 5061711921508620383
500, BURST-FVDC-XRNC-YD8Y-AT6PQ, 11000271187945861
500, BURST-8JXK-UEEF-4F5E-36QRD, 13355699217216124856
360, BURST-D4CR-L4M6-RZ9U-A5J7J, 2460112626718014783
300, BURST-N8KB-DKKW-9C4W-AF289, 10497059520745246206
200, BURST-KLKV-64G5-ZS2L-6F6PP, 7570591079660504152
200, BURST-K48W-F6TF-LQJW-FHR6A, 1648076781931853070
150, BURST-UADJ-9AFK-Q62J-5YV2K, 7677858392063848996
120, BURST-2QX6-W52G-S466-4C94C, 9332993814913292414
110, BURST-YTCM-Z647-2XGE-APUB6, 17117830512051851829
100, BURST-4FWQ-85G6-EHQQ-6T27Z, 13984273147273109216
100, BURST-SARW-AZYD-WB2R-8S2NS, 807463052503474879
50, BURST-A39P-BKGT-NSNM-6UHAD, 4282545373181847868
50, BURST-6LM8-HGJA-MBJ5-43UU9, 2373051227645874435
50, BURST-247J-TQC8-T5EB-EJFZP, 2415842722720407380
43, BURST-WKHQ-LQXX-HUR9-C5VQ2, 17460614809801093364
35, BURST-53DP-A7CT-YTM9-FZCLM, 10840909672435124234
25, BURST-V5ZN-RFPQ-4REU-9XQJG, 8487849581716861202
20, BURST-54J2-DUDF-EUQU-4ZZRQ, 331365851097112007
12, BURST-8GKG-B4KD-MDFR-4247Q, 4564186620428630772
10, BURST-X2MY-DV84-GB2J-HCXZE, 3044972498885726171
4, BURST-7G43-CTSC-QLTM-GASD4, 2457711996675792170
------------All transactions processed------------
Scheduled next payment:
01.10.2015 expect 2% per assetRecent interest payments:
01.09.2015 2% per asset
01.08.2015 0,5% per asset (because of i was out of office and had only a few times internet, so i cant daytrade as much as needed, payout is equal to the min. garanteed payout in terms)
01.07.2015 2% per asset
01.06.2015 2% per asset
01.05.2015 2% per asset
01.04.2015 2% per asset