Ok, this is a suggestion and I hope I wont write about it for the next 20 hours and become rude
I thought of that donation you got and, in communication with crowetic, I come to the conclusion that you need a lot more money then 50 BTC. So:
1. Run a traditional crowdfunding campaign. Do not use Burst own platform but one of the established ones. There are many to chose from, and also a bunch of sites of more informative nature (for the latter, see for example
http://www.realitycrowdtv.com/blog/news/the-9-stages-to-crowdfunding-success/2. In the presentation, be supportive of the blockchain technology per se, being one of the centuries biggest innovation that will.
3. Point out one big failure of bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies: energy-waste. There are graphs showing how much electricity POW coins consume and will consume in the future.
4. Presenting Burst, focus on its eco-friendlyness. If possible, also show this by a picture. For nuance, possibly give credit to KNC, how (if I remember correctly) gets their power straight from a waterfall.
5. Create a stand-alone website for the campaign, informative but easily readable.
6. More knowledgeable people will bring up POS as an alternative. Use the regular counter-argument but also highlight Matthew Czarnek's criticism (burstcoin.info/blog/).
7. Do not set the goal too high, maybe $50,000 and call it seed money.
8. Set a number of goals you want to reach by means for the seed money, and be honest about that more funding will be required, either by a new crowdfunding campaign when goals are reached or by venture capital, to really challenge bitcoin.
9. Even if you are asking for a relatively small sum, offer a professional (looking) business plan along with the presentation, where not only the coin is presented and the short-term goals are mentioned but also how each goal will be achieved (and cost), and how that relates to the bigger plan of challenge POW coins energy problem. Some of the goals should be technological and rather simple achievable; other can be hiring someone to design a logo (see no. 10). There should be hesitation among the devs that they can reach the goals within the time-frame.
10. To get funders feel they are not only is contributing to a risky business, but also give them something back. Ask them to create an account on crowetic's online wallet (simple) and transfer them a few coins, pointing out that these can be really valuable in the future.
11. Consider a fork of Burst with a new name to mirror this promotion. Something with "eco", "environmental" or "save the planet" are names possible. If forking, possibly adjust the valid criticism raised against the coin. A fork do have the advantage that you are not Burst, a year-long mined coin costing 70 satoshi, but generally keep most of the things unchanged and highlight Burst as the innovation you will build on the future on. If you chose this path, a higher sum probably can be asked for.
12. If this does not suit you there is one other alternative, but it is not as straightforward and more related on luck.