that you are wasting space
ahh well that's unfortunate, what should i do?
Depends on how many nonces are overlapping. If its just a few, ignore it and continue mining. Otherwise look which plot files are overlapping and delete them - and create new ones that are not overlapping.
Actually it's half of my plot, i have 2 hdds and i didn't think twice about how to plot them so i just copied the same files and started plotting, i realise this is where i went wrong, how should i go about doing it when i want to plot 2hdds?
sequential, i`ve posted some bash/batch scripts couple of pages back which help you do that
Is this what you mean?
@echo off
@SET ID=put_here_your_numerical_id
@SET howManyNounces=40960
@SET stagger=4096
@SET filesToGenerate=15
@SET cpu=23
@SET /a offset=(%howManyNounces% * 21)
@SET initLoc=0
@::############################Do not modify below this line
@SET /a startAt=%initLoc% + %offset%
@SET /a stopAt=%startAt% + %howManyNounces% * %filesToGenerate%
FOR /L %%A in (%startAt%, %howManyNounces%, %stopAt%) DO (
plot.exe %ID% %%A %howManyNounces% %stagger% %cpu%
Where should i put that?
in a .bat file... then edit the variables from the top of the file to reflect your info.
They still overlap, can i not plot from 2 hdds on the same adress?