Its going slow still. I'm at around 21.50 usd. still a ways to go there. my main goal is 400.00 to cover the shipping.
Which is 12.00
I will get there, its just a grind. thanks again for your help.
Hey chad. I bought 2 zeus lightning x6. They hash at 30-40 mh/s. im very..very new to mining. So lots of questions and no time for googleing it all. Ive got it up and running with multiple issues though. Mined $1.20 in 2 days from 1 miner.
Here is my proposal: get logged onto a pool and get me your pool info and I will use my miners to mine for u for a little bit. In return find me someone who could answer all my questions and get me right, preferably someone from our c2 community heres why:
You get coins to convert to btc helping u towards getting your computer and making games
I get help with bringing me up from noob miner to semi
Whoever helps me greater helps the c2 future ( by u being able to help build games and me getting buy pressure on c2)
I have so.e issues though first I need to settle. Let me know if your up for this