
Topic: [ANN][C2] Coin2 | POS | Official Thread | BF3 | BF4 | CS:GO | Chain of Conflict - page 104. (Read 484420 times)

Activity: 1318
Merit: 1040
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
i agree, i just wanted to remind the comunity to have their wallets up and running, staking, we need secure network.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1000
Well I'm excited, I believe Unity is backed into a corner thanks to Unreal making Unreal Engine 4 free, so they might be about to announce Unity5 Pro for Free and release it or just releasing it would be awesome.. either way they are about to make the announcement live, they have even shut their site down and replaced it with a link to the live feed. Kinda makes me mad a bit cause I was trying to look up something for the code, and thanks UdjinM6 but I might have pasted the wrong code into the post I made earlier, I was really tired when I did that, lol. Also I will be gone for a few days and not sure if I will have internet at my aunts or not, so we will see, just don't anyone get heartbroken if I don't make any updates for a few days, lol.

*  Script written by OMA [FPSPrefab1.3]
var isRemotePlayer = true;
var proneSpeed = 1.0;
var crouchSpeed = 2.0;
var walkSpeed = 8.0;
var runSpeed = 20.0;
var runSkillLevel : float = 0.0;
var gravitySkillLevel : float = 0.0;

var fallDamageMultiplier : int = 2;
var fallAnimGO : GameObject;
var inAirControl = 0.1;
var gravity = 20.0;
var maxVelocityChange = 10.0;
var canJump = true;
var jumpHeight = 2.0;
var fallSound : AudioClip;
var playerWeapons : GameObject;
var grounded = false;
private var sliding : boolean = false;
private var speed = 10.0;
private var limitDiagonalSpeed = true;
private var normalHeight : float = 0.5;
private var crouchHeight : float = -0.2;
private var crouchingHeight = 0.3;
var proneHeight : float = -0.7;
private var hit : RaycastHit;
private var myTransform : Transform;
private var rayDistance : float;
private var mainCameraGO : GameObject;
private var weaponCameraGO : GameObject;
var state : int = 0;
var moveSpeed : float = 2.0;
var targetVelocity : Vector3 =;
var onLadder : boolean = false;
var climbSpeed : float = 10.0;
var canClimb : boolean = false;

@script RequireComponent(Rigidbody, CapsuleCollider)

function Awake (){
    rigidbody.freezeRotation = true;
    rigidbody.useGravity = false;
myTransform = transform;
mainCameraGO = gameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera");
weaponCameraGO = gameObject.FindWithTag("WeaponCamera");
rayDistance = collider.height * .5 + collider.radius;
playerWeapons.animation.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;

function FixedUpdate (){


var inputX = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
var inputY = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
var inputModifyFactor = (inputX != 0.0 && inputY != 0.0 && limitDiagonalSpeed)? .7071 : 1.0;

    if (grounded){

if(state == 0){
if ( Physics.Raycast(myTransform.position, -Vector3.up, hit, rayDistance)) {
if (Vector3.Angle(hit.normal, Vector3.up) > 30){
sliding = true;
rigidbody.AddRelativeForce (-Vector3.up * 500);
sliding = false;


        // Calculate how fast we should be moving
        targetVelocity = new Vector3(inputX * inputModifyFactor, 0.0, inputY * inputModifyFactor);
        targetVelocity = myTransform.TransformDirection(targetVelocity);
        targetVelocity *= speed;

        // Apply a force that attempts to reach our target velocity
        var velocity = rigidbody.velocity;
        var velocityChange = (targetVelocity - velocity);
        velocityChange.x = Mathf.Clamp(velocityChange.x, -maxVelocityChange, maxVelocityChange);
        velocityChange.z = Mathf.Clamp(velocityChange.z, -maxVelocityChange, maxVelocityChange);
velocityChange.y = 0.0;
        rigidbody.AddForce(velocityChange, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
        if (canJump && Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && state == 0){
rigidbody.velocity = Vector3(velocity.x, CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed(), velocity.z);

if(Input.GetButton("Use") && onLadder){
canClimb = true;
rigidbody.velocity = Vector3(velocity.x, CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed(), velocity.z);

if(state == 0){
            if (grounded && Input.GetButton("Run") && Input.GetKey("w")){
speed = runSpeed + runSkillLevel;
   speed = walkSpeed;
}else if(state == 1){
speed = crouchSpeed;
}else if(state == 2){
speed = proneSpeed;


if(onLadder && canClimb){
targetVelocity = new Vector3(0.0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * inputModifyFactor, 0.0 );
targetVelocity *= climbSpeed;
targetVelocity = myTransform.TransformDirection(targetVelocity);

var velChange = (targetVelocity - rigidbody.velocity);
velChange.x = Mathf.Clamp(velChange.x, -maxVelocityChange, maxVelocityChange);
velChange.y = Mathf.Clamp(velChange.y, -maxVelocityChange, maxVelocityChange);
velChange.z = 0.0;

rigidbody.AddForce(velChange, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
// Calculate how fast we should be moving
targetVelocity = new Vector3(inputX * inputModifyFactor, inputY * inputModifyFactor, 0.0);
targetVelocity = myTransform.TransformDirection(targetVelocity);
targetVelocity *= climbSpeed;

// Apply a force that attempts to reach our target velocity
var velChange = (targetVelocity - rigidbody.velocity);
velChange.x = Mathf.Clamp(velChange.x, -maxVelocityChange, maxVelocityChange);
velChange.y = Mathf.Clamp(velChange.y, -maxVelocityChange, maxVelocityChange);
velChange.z = 0.0;
rigidbody.AddForce(velChange, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
// AirControl
targetVelocity = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0.0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));
targetVelocity = transform.TransformDirection(targetVelocity) * inAirControl;
rigidbody.AddForce(targetVelocity, ForceMode.VelocityChange);

if(onLadder == false){
canClimb = false;

if(canClimb == false){
// Gravity
rigidbody.AddForce(Vector3 (0, (-gravity + gravitySkillLevel) * rigidbody.mass, 0));

grounded = false;
onLadder = false;

function OnCollisionStay (col : Collision){

for(var contact : ContactPoint in col.contacts){
if(Vector3.Angle(contact.normal, Vector3.up) < 45){
grounded = true;

function OnTriggerStay(other : Collider){
if (other.gameObject.tag == "Ladder") {
onLadder = true;
grounded = false;

function HitJumpPad(velocity : float) {
    rigidbody.velocity.z += velocity;

function OnCollisionEnter (collision : Collision){
    if(grounded == false){
fallAnimGO.animation.CrossFadeQueued("Fall", 0.3, QueueMode.PlayNow);
var currSpeed : float = collision.relativeVelocity.magnitude;

if (currSpeed > 25) {
var damage : float = currSpeed * fallDamageMultiplier;
Debug.Log ("FallDamage" + damage);
SendMessage ("PlayerDamage", damage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

function CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed (){
    return Mathf.Sqrt(2 * jumpHeight * gravity);

function Update(){


if ( rigidbody.velocity.magnitude < (walkSpeed+2) && rigidbody.velocity.magnitude > (walkSpeed-2) && !Input.GetButton("Fire2")){

}else if (rigidbody.velocity.magnitude > (runSpeed -2)){

}else if (rigidbody.velocity.magnitude < (crouchSpeed+1) && rigidbody.velocity.magnitude > (crouchSpeed-1) && Input.GetButton("Fire2")){


if(mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y > normalHeight){
mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y = normalHeight;
} else if(mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y < proneHeight){
mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y = proneHeight;

weaponCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y = mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y;

if (Input.GetButtonDown("Crouch")) {
if(state == 0 || state == 2){
state = 1;
} else if(state == 1){
state = 0;

if(state == 0){ //Stand Position
collider.direction = 1;
collider.height = 2.0; = Vector3 (0, 0, 0);
if(mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y < normalHeight){
mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y += Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed;

}else if(state == 1){ //Crouch Position
collider.direction = 1;
collider.height = 1.5; = Vector3 (0, -0.25, 0);
if(mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y > crouchHeight){
if(mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y - (crouchingHeight * Time.deltaTime/.1) < crouchHeight){
mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y = crouchHeight;
} else {
mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y -= crouchingHeight * Time.deltaTime/.1;

if(mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y < crouchHeight){
if(mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y - (crouchingHeight * Time.deltaTime/.1) > crouchHeight){
mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y = crouchHeight;
} else {
mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y += crouchingHeight * Time.deltaTime/.1;

if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")){
state = 0;

} else if(state == 2){ //Prone Position
collider.direction = 2;
collider.height = 0.5; = Vector3 (0, -0.5, 0);
if(mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y > proneHeight){
mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y += proneHeight * Time.deltaTime * (moveSpeed + rigidbody.velocity.magnitude);

if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")){
state = 1;

if (Input.GetButtonDown("GoProne")){
if(state == 0 || state == 1){
state = 2;
} else if(state == 2){
state = 0;

function Accelerate (accelerateY : float, accelerateZ : float){
    grounded = false;
rigidbody.AddRelativeForce (0, accelerateY, accelerateZ);

function OnGUI(){
if(onLadder && !canClimb)
GUI.Label(Rect(Screen.width - (Screen.width/1.7),Screen.height - (Screen.height/1.4),800,100),"Press key >>E<< to Climb");

This is the code I was converting, it was written in JavaScript, and I need to rewrite it in C# but either way Nrigo saved me alot of trouble with the new kit except for one thing, the player does not have an actual body.. so Dominic will have to take the current player body and arms and replace the ones in the premium kit, but the scripts for it should work still, so we should be good to go on that much. Getting it networking ready shouldn't be too big a deal either with all the new scripts we need already written in C#, makes things much easier =D. No need to continue with the old demo, but I do vote for keeping the spiders, lol.. their not in the premium FPS kit at all.. Other than keeping the spiders, the maps need imported to the new setup, not really a problem, just a few hours worth of work, and my idea Garfield is while they are killing each other once we get networking going(it really is an asshole) we can begin integrating and setting up Coin Shop, Nikhil provided a model of a Futuristic Assult Rifle he made to me earlier, and it will be one of the first items sold for actual Coin2.
Activity: 3836
Merit: 1419
Lol...seriously this has got to be one of the better crypto communities out there
sr. member
Activity: 357
Merit: 250
Yeah updating the prefab would be a good idea!

Lol - focus folks. Let's finish the current demo and interface it to the wallet and then while everyone is killing each other we can roll out the new prefab for any survivors ;-)
Activity: 1318
Merit: 1040
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
Hyperspace snail
Just bought some extra, cheap on polo Wink
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1000
Your prefab runs ALOT and i mean ALOT better than the C2 Demo in terms of smoothness
Thank you for your feedback. The C2 Demo is using an older prefab and it may explain the difference.

I like to play with this new prefab demo and I hope we will use it soon Smiley
Yeah updating the prefab would be a good idea!

Who wants to help me?? lol I'll update to the new prefab soon but for now im stuck on this::

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class RigidController2 : MonoBehaviour {
*  Script written by OMA [FPSPrefab1.3]
public bool isRemotePlayer = true;
public float proneSpeed = 1.0f;
public float crouchSpeed = 2.0f;
public float walkSpeed = 8.0f;
public float runSpeed = 20.0f;
public float runSkillLevel = 0.0f;
public float gravitySkillLevel = 0.0f;

public int fallDamageMultiplier = 2;
GameObject fallAnimGO;
public float inAirControl = 0.1f;
public float gravity = 20.0f;
public float maxVelocityChange = 10.0f;
public bool canJump = true;
public float jumpHeight = 2.0f;
AudioClip fallSound;
GameObject playerWeapons;
public bool grounded = false;
private bool  sliding = false;
private float speed = 10.0f;
private bool limitDiagonalSpeed = true;
private float normalHeight = 0.5f;
private float crouchHeight = -0.2f;
private float crouchingHeight = 0.3f;
public float proneHeight = -0.7f;
private RaycastHit hit;
private Transform myTransform;
private float rayDistance;
private GameObject mainCameraGO;
private GameObject weaponCameraGO;
int state = 0;
float moveSpeed = 2.0f;
Vector3 targetVelocity =;
bool  onLadder = false;
float climbSpeed = 10.0f;
bool  canClimb = false;

//[RequireComponent(Rigidbody, CapsuleCollider)]

void  Awake (){
rigidbody.freezeRotation = true;
rigidbody.useGravity = false;
myTransform = transform;
mainCameraGO = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera");
weaponCameraGO = GameObject.FindWithTag("WeaponCamera");
   rayDistance = collider.height * .5 + collider.radius;
playerWeapons.animation.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;

void  FixedUpdate (){


   double inputX = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
double inputY = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
double inputModifyFactor = (inputX != 0.0f && inputY != 0.0f && limitDiagonalSpeed)? .7071 : 1.0f;

if (grounded){

if(state == 0)
if ( Physics.Raycast(myTransform.position, -Vector3.up, hit, rayDistance))
if (Vector3.Angle(hit.normal, Vector3.up) > 30)
sliding = true;
rigidbody.AddRelativeForce (-Vector3.up * 500);
sliding = false;


// Calculate how fast we should be moving
targetVelocity = new Vector3(inputX * inputModifyFactor, 0.0f, inputY * inputModifyFactor);
targetVelocity = myTransform.TransformDirection(targetVelocity);
targetVelocity *= speed;

// Apply a force that attempts to reach our target velocity
Vector3 velocity = rigidbody.velocity;
   Vector3 velocityChange = (targetVelocity - velocity);
velocityChange.x = Mathf.Clamp(velocityChange.x, -maxVelocityChange, maxVelocityChange);
velocityChange.z = Mathf.Clamp(velocityChange.z, -maxVelocityChange, maxVelocityChange);
velocityChange.y = 0.0f;
rigidbody.AddForce(velocityChange, ForceMode.VelocityChange);

if (canJump && Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && state == 0){
rigidbody.velocity = Vector3(velocity.x, CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed(), velocity.z);

if(Input.GetButton("Use") && onLadder){
canClimb = true;
rigidbody.velocity = Vector3(velocity.x, CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed(), velocity.z);

if(state == 0){
if (grounded && Input.GetButton("Run") && Input.GetKey("w")){
speed = runSpeed + runSkillLevel;
speed = walkSpeed;
}else if(state == 1){
speed = crouchSpeed;
}else if(state == 2){
speed = proneSpeed;


if(onLadder && canClimb){

targetVelocity = new Vector3(0.0f, Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * inputModifyFactor, 0.0f );
targetVelocity *= climbSpeed;
targetVelocity = myTransform.TransformDirection(targetVelocity);

Vector3 velChange = (targetVelocity - rigidbody.velocity);
   velChange.x = Mathf.Clamp(velChange.x, -maxVelocityChange, maxVelocityChange);
   velChange.y = Mathf.Clamp(velChange.y, -maxVelocityChange, maxVelocityChange);
velChange.z = 0.0f;

rigidbody.AddForce(velChange, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
// Calculate how fast we should be moving
targetVelocity = new Vector3(inputX * inputModifyFactor, inputY * inputModifyFactor, 0.0f);
targetVelocity = myTransform.TransformDirection(targetVelocity);
targetVelocity *= climbSpeed;

// Apply a force that attempts to reach our target velocity
FIXME_VAR_TYPE velChange= (targetVelocity - rigidbody.velocity);
velChange.x = Mathf.Clamp(velChange.x, -maxVelocityChange, maxVelocityChange);
velChange.y = Mathf.Clamp(velChange.y, -maxVelocityChange, maxVelocityChange);
velChange.z = 0.0f;
rigidbody.AddForce(velChange, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
// AirControl
targetVelocity = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0.0f, Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));
targetVelocity = transform.TransformDirection(targetVelocity) * inAirControl;
rigidbody.AddForce(targetVelocity, ForceMode.VelocityChange);

if(onLadder == false){
canClimb = false;

if(canClimb == false){
// Gravity
rigidbody.AddForce(Vector3 (0, (-gravity + gravitySkillLevel) * rigidbody.mass, 0));

grounded = false;
onLadder = false;

void  OnCollisionStay ( Collision col  ){

foreach(ContactPoint contact in col.contacts){
if(Vector3.Angle(contact.normal, Vector3.up) < 45){
grounded = true;

void  OnTriggerStay ( Collider other  ){
if (other.gameObject.tag == "Ladder") {
onLadder = true;
grounded = false;

void  HitJumpPad ( float velocity  ){
rigidbody.velocity.z += velocity;

void  OnCollisionEnter ( Collision collision  ){
if(grounded == false){
fallAnimGO.animation.CrossFadeQueued("Fall", 0.3f, QueueMode.PlayNow);
float currSpeed = collision.relativeVelocity.magnitude;

if (currSpeed > 25) {
float damage = currSpeed * fallDamageMultiplier;
Debug.Log ("FallDamage" + damage);
SendMessage ("PlayerDamage", damage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

void  CalculateJumpVerticalSpeed (){
return Mathf.Sqrt(2 * jumpHeight * gravity);

void  Update (){


if ( rigidbody.velocity.magnitude < (walkSpeed+2) && rigidbody.velocity.magnitude > (walkSpeed-2) && !Input.GetButton("Fire2")){

}else if (rigidbody.velocity.magnitude > (runSpeed -2)){

}else if (rigidbody.velocity.magnitude < (crouchSpeed+1) && rigidbody.velocity.magnitude > (crouchSpeed-1) && Input.GetButton("Fire2")){


if(mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y > normalHeight){
mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y = normalHeight;
} else if(mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y < proneHeight){
mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y = proneHeight;

weaponCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y = mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y;

if (Input.GetButtonDown("Crouch")) {
if(state == 0 || state == 2){
state = 1;
} else if(state == 1){
state = 0;

if(state == 0){ //Stand Position
collider.direction = 1;
collider.height = 2.0f; = Vector3 (0, 0, 0);
if(mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y < normalHeight){
mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y += Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed;

}else if(state == 1){ //Crouch Position
collider.direction = 1;
collider.height = 1.5f; = Vector3 (0, -0.25f, 0);
if(mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y > crouchHeight){
if(mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y - (crouchingHeight * Time.deltaTime/.1) < crouchHeight){
mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y = crouchHeight;
} else {
mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y -= crouchingHeight * Time.deltaTime/.1;

if(mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y < crouchHeight)
if(mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y - (crouchingHeight * Time.deltaTime/.1) > crouchHeight)
mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y = crouchHeight;
mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y += crouchingHeight * Time.deltaTime/.1;

if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")){
state = 0;

} else if(state == 2){ //Prone Position
collider.direction = 2;
collider.height = 0.5f; = Vector3 (0, -0.5f, 0);
if(mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y > proneHeight){
mainCameraGO.transform.localPosition.y += proneHeight * Time.deltaTime * (moveSpeed + rigidbody.velocity.magnitude);

if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump")){
state = 1;

if (Input.GetButtonDown("GoProne")){
if(state == 0 || state == 1){
state = 2;
} else if(state == 2){
state = 0;

void  Accelerate ( float accelerateY ,   float accelerateZ  ){
grounded = false;
rigidbody.AddRelativeForce (0, accelerateY, accelerateZ);

void  OnGUI (){
if(onLadder && !canClimb)
GUI.Label( new Rect(Screen.width - (Screen.width/1.7f),Screen.height - (Screen.height/1.4f),800,100),"Press key >>E<< to Climb");

Converting it to C# to use it with the new network stuff.. its the last piece of the puzzle lol
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
Hyperspace snail
Your prefab runs ALOT and i mean ALOT better than the C2 Demo in terms of smoothness
Thank you for your feedback. The C2 Demo is using an older prefab and it may explain the difference.

I like to play with this new prefab demo and I hope we will use it soon Smiley
Yeah updating the prefab would be a good idea!
hero member
Activity: 603
Merit: 500
Your prefab runs ALOT and i mean ALOT better than the C2 Demo in terms of smoothness
Thank you for your feedback. The C2 Demo is using an older prefab and it may explain the difference.

I like to play with this new prefab demo and I hope we will use it soon Smiley
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
Hyperspace snail
hero member
Activity: 676
Merit: 500
shit man, i tought you are dead  Wink Grin

i tried a game, I LOVE IT, i like those real looking soldiers i am fighting against and those units who come near crashed ufo, they fucked me up, nice weapons, ak47, m16, m72, love them all
hero member
Activity: 603
Merit: 500
Hi there !

Here is here some good news:

From Bter:
We have decided to rebuild BTER's backend, completely solve the wallets security issue and re-enable all the tradings.

About Coin2 and exchanges: I'm sharing oldangrey's point of view. There is no emergency to be listed on other places, but we have to think about it.

For your information, Coin2 is listed on the Cryptsy vote list and I made about 60 votes with my Cryptsy points and with 0.01 BTC :

From me:
I'm still alive. I have a few time only because of my 1 year old baby, but I'm following Coin2 here and there (inside the Dev Team).
I don't know exactly what I will be able to do for the FPS dev, but I started to learn Unity with the available video tutorials.

I bought a Realistic FPS prefab to get a part of the work done. I just have to upload it to make available for other developers.

You can test this prefab here:

Unity is really a good game engine and I found many FPS running with it. You will see some examples in this Top 10 video:

I bought an interesting map for the FPS too, an Hydro Power Station but it will require some work to improve it, specially the trees.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1000
idk their about to get big it seems and ive got their admins interested in us, just need community support there now, ive made almost 17k sats from the tipbots so far tonight, its pretty awesome... but their worried about that old 97% premine deal that was distributed to pretty much everyone that posted an address back in the day.. need your guys support to show them where it went

One of their admins thinks the board holds 100% of the coins when together we hold maybe .5% lol so funny...

I agree. Appreciate that it is a new exchange and is trying to build up it's user base and reputation, however there is much about it that I like and whether c2 joined it or not I had planned to integrate it into the wallet as it makes inter coin trading so much easier. My question in the past simply was one of timing. Ideally we wanted to be on the exchange when the game is released but not months before with the problem of trying to maintain volume on three or four exchanges. With the game so close to release, I think that now is probably a good time to start working towards getting listed.

I think that would be cool to do man, and maybe offer something similar to their exchange shares so people would be more interested in using your platform.
sr. member
Activity: 357
Merit: 250
idk their about to get big it seems and ive got their admins interested in us, just need community support there now, ive made almost 17k sats from the tipbots so far tonight, its pretty awesome... but their worried about that old 97% premine deal that was distributed to pretty much everyone that posted an address back in the day.. need your guys support to show them where it went

One of their admins thinks the board holds 100% of the coins when together we hold maybe .5% lol so funny...

I agree. Appreciate that it is a new exchange and is trying to build up it's user base and reputation, however there is much about it that I like and whether c2 joined it or not I had planned to integrate it into the wallet as it makes inter coin trading so much easier. My question in the past simply was one of timing. Ideally we wanted to be on the exchange when the game is released but not months before with the problem of trying to maintain volume on three or four exchanges. With the game so close to release, I think that now is probably a good time to start working towards getting listed.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1000
idk their about to get big it seems and ive got their admins interested in us, just need community support there now, ive made almost 17k sats from the tipbots so far tonight, its pretty awesome... but their worried about that old 97% premine deal that was distributed to pretty much everyone that posted an address back in the day.. need your guys support to show them where it went

One of their admins thinks the board holds 100% of the coins when together we hold maybe .5% lol so funny...
hero member
Activity: 676
Merit: 500
i dont see any point in his posts here besides advertiseing low volume exchange  Undecided
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1000
Well I thought I was gonna have something other to report now than I fixed the error being caused when you play and it would magically make everything work, but the remote player(the guy shooting at you) still isnt showing when you play.. at least i dont think it is.. none of the other guys are on to test with atm, so i had to play the editor against the web browser file.. it could be working idk, i dont have a way to test this by myself atm.. lol
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1000
rainbot is hot atm..don`t miss it guys..a lot of coins giveaway!

you are borring sir with bluetrade, please leave

Pagona this is sorta of shocking me that me of all people is saying this, considering the
way I used to handle things and be unproffesional, but please be respectful, this dude is
on to something and im supporting the idea we get on there now.

Coin2 needs to be there..

Lets rally support for our coin to be added.

Benefits: 2 tipbots running in the chat meaning you will be tipped heavily in many types of coins just for chatting.
             They offer "Bleutrade Shares" which means if you own them, you take a percentage of all trades made.
             They have a large userbase which increases our exposure.

Updates on the multiplayer progress, I spent 12 hours today on the code and got us narrowed down to a warning that causes an error when the game is running. It narrows back to "Listener listen = new Listener();" which is whats causing the warning. The Error goes to Line 1 of Listener.cs which is completely confusing to me since I haven't actually written any code in 8 years.. but Dom said he will deal with it tomorrow after he gets home from his real job. I'm excited and frustrated over this at the same time, lol, 1 warning, 1 error, were close. Were also not using the same cloud server setup that kalisto had, it was very limited on the max amount of users that could be playing at 1 time, it was only 20... the new one is able to sustain 300 at once.. big difference.
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