I tested the scheduling of a transaction, it got executed by a timenode, it worked
Anyone that wants to also test the transaction scheduling functionality, you can by using the web application at
https://app.chronologic.network . FYI: you do not need to own any DAY tokens to schedule, so it's open to anyone.
There are some prerequisits or recommendations before you start though:
a) Make 2 ethereum wallets (through
https://myetherwallet.com for example) for testing, one for sending FROM and one for sending test-ether TO.
b) Get Kovan test ether from a faucet and let it be sent to your FROM address.
Easiest way to achieve that is by making a github account (
https://github.com ) if you don't have one already, then sign in with that account on the following Gitter .im channel:
https://gitter .im / kovan-testnet / faucet
Request keth (kovan ether) there by typing your FROM address and wait until you receive it.
c) Install and use the Chrome browser extension MetaMask (
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/metamask/nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn ) to add the 2 ethereum test addresses you created earlier. Make sure MetaMask is connected to the Kovan Test Net for your keth balance in your FROM address to show up.
You're all set to schedule transactions with kovan test ether. If you want a walk through on how to schedule in the web application, see
https://youtu.be/mPWVBGeJpwI?t=2408 .
Below here is TimeNode related only:
[update: does not function properly yet, can't claim my own scheduled transaction, can't know for certain if other transactions are possible to claim because there aren't any in queue][update: it works when you follow this guide precisely:
https://blog.chronologic.network/how-to-prove-day-ownership-to-be-a-timenode-3dc1333c74ef ]
In order to be a timenode and execute scheduled transactions, for that you DO need to have test DAY tokens. The prerequisits a), b) and c) i mentioned above also apply here before you start.
If you want to test this functionality, get test DAY from the faucet in the web app while MetaMask is connected. You receive 100 per hour, so if you right now have 0 you need to come back a few times to get the minimum required.
Once you get enough test DAY, follow the instructions in the web application after you clicked 'TimeNode' in the menu. You need to provide Chronologic with the keystore file of the ethereum address where you hold the test DAY tokens and also sign a message to prove you own that address.
This message signing is not possible with MetaMask; you need to use myetherwallet (or one of the other client side tools out there to interact with ethereum blockchain). The 'sign message' button is in the list in the bottom right corner of myetherwallet.[update: my mistake, signing a message through MetaMask is possible and mandatory even]
In the web app you can now click the 'start' button and start claiming scheduled transactions (if there are any).