Again, this is not really giving me anything other than the "privacy" issue. In the current state of crypto, even Bitcoin can be considered a niche financial tool with limited acceptance (outside of the "crypto community").
In terms of mass-adoption, what do you need? Demand. What causes demand? The ability to use it to purchase services/goods or a likelyhood of appreciation.
I'm looking for scenarios on the demand side. I'm not discounting the end-goal of more privacy, I don't discount this is a good thing. My point above was to address the people who constantly harp on the "evil" side of things (drug deals, etc.). The privacy thing is great, but I don't think this is the reason BTC doesn't have wider acceptance (knowing that we're still in the infancy).
The point is I still think it's naive to think the privacy thing is enough to put DRK over the top while trying to avoid potential "bad transactions", because there simply aren't enough "good transactions" in the world of crypto.
I think you are right in your analysis. however, it wasn't that long ago that computers were big boxes stuck in the corner of a room, with a big monitor and dial up.
In a short space of time the whole world has changed and life without the internet is unthinkable. Smart phones have more computing power than that used to launch space flights in the 60s.
We need innovation and that innovation should include elements that make crypto as easy to use without issues. Issues such as leaving a trail when you buy stuff or when you get paid. Progress and increasing adoption follow innovation.
Mass adoption comes when the media starts to say - why aren't you using crypto?