To be clear, we (bittrex) are not looking for you to "buy" your way onto the exchange. That goes against everything we believe in. The request here was to get commitment to do some cross promotional giveaways. Nothing from the request is being kept by Bittrex; we are only trying to raise awareness for the coin and for our exchange.
Outside of this, we have asked for a small donation of coins to perform our wallet/exchange stress testing with. If this came across as a "pay to play" request, let me apologize, that is not the intent. We simply need a way to stress our systems and verify that they are operating as designed. I'm more than happy to return any donation (minus whatever txfees we incur) at the end of testing.
As a new exchange that is less than a week old, we are relying on the community to help us grow as we help the community grow. We are software professionals with real world experience on how to deliver secure and scalable solutions. Please do any necessary research on us to be assured. We are being as transparent as possible. We hope we get a chance to prove how we are superior to the competition.
I didn't mean to attack you directly. When you look at these other exchanges (cryptorush asked for 300 DRK for listing, ended up listing us for free) (mintpal/cryptsy with paid votes), you know they are getting every possible revenue source, and I suggest you do the same once you get some volume. The shitcoins deserve to pay IMO, the devs are trying to make money more often than not as their main goal and should be charged for it.
Only important thing in my mind is giving legitimate cryptocurrencies the respect they deserve and build a portfolio of desirable currencies first and foremost. Although C-CEX and POLONIEX both got hacked and have horror stories, they were the first ones to adopt Darkcoin and were rewarded tremendously for it initially.
Good luck with BITTREX, site looks very clean and I'll be registering today.
Thanks for the feedback I totally appreciate and understand it. My response was just to clarify our position because it seemed we rubbed some people the wrong way. Our goal is to provide the best exchange for the crypto community and I want our revenue to come directly from that goal. I personally find the "pay to play" model that some exchanges engage in actually hurts the community by encouraging P&D action. To be completely transparent, we have accepted bounties when offered, but those go directly back into giveaways that help drive traffic to the coins and the exchange.
I look forward to working with this community.
For those interested, we got DRK up and running at Bittrex last night... come check it out...
I know we're new with little volume right now, but we are an experienced team and we're here for the long haul. Help us to provide a great exchange for the community by trading here and supporting us. Come give us a try!
Hey I think that's our first LTC/DRK market. I don't even know how much it's supposed to be worth in LTC