Here is a small Q&A session. I'll stay online for 1-2 hours and answer other questions.
Q1: I asked in a different thread: I have two wallets with mined balances. How can I bring them in a single one without importing each privatekey separately?
A1: you can do "sendtoaddress" RPC command or just push "Send" button and input another wallet's address.
Q2: Is the RPC getdata function already implemented ? You did not comment about it on the faq, using shell commands is fine for now.
A2: Not yet. But it will be implemented soon.
Q3: Does this means that he is officially dismissing the new development team? If yes, no problem, I'll go back to developing my own crypto currency. Maxsolnc, Mstfck and the rest, seem your hard work have gone down the drain.
A3-1: I respect your work. This is just a security issue: it's important to have one "approved" point of updates. Security is important for all people holding coins.
A3-2: I'm really surprized with a lot of activity around DataCoin. This is very good for all of us. I still need to adapt to this fact.
Q4: Another thing that bothers me about Datacoin is why has the block reward gone down so fast ?
A4: Block reward goes down with difficulty increase. It's all the same as in PrimeCoin. The difference is that you can get more in the future with tx fee (full block will give about 50 DCT in fees).
Q5: Do both wallet versions (normal and HP) store the full data blockchain ?
A5: Yes. The difference is only in mining speed (-hp uses libgmp).
Q6: And BTW if storage is so expensive, those who keep the full blockchain available in the network should be rewarded, otherwise there is not much incentive to keep a growing blockchain in your hardrive.
A6: I'm thinking now about policy that can encourage people to store and distribute blockchain data to other services. I think this shouldn't be a part of core protocol due to security reasons. All ideas are welcome.
Q7: The mining reward is so tiny, why should people mine long-term?
A7: Cummulative tx fee from one block is expected to be higher than block reward. This is different from PrimeCoin.
Q8: cryptrol -> maxsolnc: Maybe the dev is more interested in an open discussion here, instead of a private conversation with you.
A8: Both
Q9: I just thought, that including virus/malware code(not working) in blockchain can cause antivirus software to block/delete the chains. Of cousre you can exclude blockchains directory for antivirus, but there should be better solutions for this.
A9: cgminer and some other tools are recognized by antiviruses as malware. This is still not a problem. In case this will become a problem we can always encrypt blockchain on local hdd. This will not lead to hardfork or any other network related problem.
Q10: The original dev has only interest in coding DTC, but zero interest in promoting it.
A10: Somebody must work with code. I think this is very important
I appreciate all of you for doing promotion. You do this much better than I could.