What happens if they had my coins that were staking? I believe I imported a script and they could not actually steal the coins, but I am missing 90% of my DCR from my wallet and I'm still fuzzy on how PoS works.
It's impossible that they have stolen your coins because the POS pools doesn't keep your coins during stake.
The coins still are in your wallet, but blocked.
Only on evolution you send your coins
If you've bought tickets for stakepool voting, and the pool shuts down or goes offline, your tickets/votes will get missed. Once they do, your wallet can revoke those missed tickets and you'll see your balance restored (minus a tx fee, and absent of voting rewards).
Importantly, even if you've bought all your tickets for stakepool voting and the stakepool completely shuts down, you can always have your own wallet online and voting as well, so your votes can still be submitted.
I believe I imported a script to automatically purchase tickets. How do I reverse this, so that I stop buying tickets, and over what period of time does it take for my DCR balance to replenish?