Any feedback would be greatly appreciated as it will have direct impact.
start daemon:
dcrd --rpcuser [user] --rpcpass [password]
start wallet:
dcrwallet -u [user]-P [password]--enablestakemining --ticketmaxprice=0 --ticketaddress=[address]
unlock wallet:
dcrctl -u [user] -P [password] --wallet walletpassphrase [passphrase] 0
get stake info:
dcrctl -u [user] -P [password] --wallet getstakeinfo
get balances:
dcrctl -u [user] -P [password] --wallet getbalance * 0 locked
dcrctl -u [user] -P [password] --wallet getbalance * 0 spendable
dcrctl -u [user] -P [password] --wallet getbalance * 0 all
buy ticket:
dcrctl -u [user] -P [password] --wallet purchaseticket "default" [maxprice] 1 [address]
I have each command as a separate batch file with the parameters I want.
I would like a getbalance parameter to show unconfirmed coins too. I know I can calculate it in the batch with [all - (spendable + locked)] but its nice to have natively