A currency is a currency. It doesn't need to be something other than a currency.
The only question is, if a crypto-currency offers any significant improvements over the Bitcoin crypto-currency in two fields:
1) tech;
2) governance.
Does Decred offer improvements in both fields: this is a matter of opinion of course, but my opinion is that yes, it does.
We can discuss those two points if you want. But a currency doesn't need to have a "target audience".
Only "scam/shit-coins" do that... "A coin for Trump supporters" - "A coin for My Little Pony enthusiasts" etc.
Or maybe I don't get what you mean exactly by "target audience"?
The target audience is anybody who wants to transfer money from A to B without wanting (to rely on) third-party interference.
That is potentially everyone, if they understand the advantage of this and are able to use the technology in day to day life.
Decred doesn't compete with Counterparty (or Ethereum, Lisk etc.) and related blockchain technolgies so it would be like comparing apples and oranges.
Decred doesn't try to invent something new but improve on the original Bitcoin decentralized crypto-currency idea. Or rather return to the original idea more authentically since we went through the Bitcoin experience and now we're in a better position to have ideas about what are the good and the bad parts about the way BTC is run.
At least that's how I see it, and why I believe in the project.
This is all fine but there needs to be a driver for mass adoption of Decred and I don't quite see what the driver is going to be. If bitcoin infrastructure is going to technically collapse and ethereum proves to be technical utopia may be. If one currency/infrastructure already has mass adoption you could copy and improve on it all day long but its not going to trigger mass adoption for you. Paypal had to give out 80 million dollars of real cash to people to get the initial use base. Ethereum spectacular rise was financed by bitcoin owners and when people sell ETH BTC goes up because this money simply moves back. For the same thing to happen to DCR it has to have unique sex appeal which I just don't see so far. Technical improvements and improved goverance is not gonna do it, sorry guys I don't buy it. But I may be wrong please convince me otherwise. I like the Claymore miner that mines DCR without reducing the speed of ETH mining. I wonder who the developer is and why he believes in DCR so much to spend time developing it. Anybody has some info on him ?