I humbly apologize for lack of updates. Managed to score a life-changing career IRL, which has gobbled up 90% of my time. The other 10% has been looted and ransacked by a carousing wench, the likes of I haven't seen since brushing the tinders off crackin' Jenny's tea cup...
Come about lads, ye lack faith in yer captain...or else ye meet the rope's end!
Working with the team, will update as soon as possible.
Good job cap'n we was just worried where ye was. We don't want mutiny on the er' deck. Ye see what happens when ye's leaves ? The graph be hitting low we gotta say it from hittin' the bottow of the ocean cap'n Tis' sinking ever since you left.
Yarr !! Ye be fed to the fish if ye be a traitor !! Ti's a sea devil !!