Arrr that computer of theirs that thinks its a cat be to blame I bet ye.
Thanks for the link - I'll look into the issue some more, but the article was VERY vague despite the appeal to fear clickbait title.
Ok....'can' be.....the worst that could happen is the git becomes compromised. Worse case scenario, the attacker fervently aims to control the Doubloon network & manages to edit the source code to benefit them - if changes were made, I and everyone else would notice (not to mention, require a fork, which would require a compromise of all my bitcointalk/twitter/slack/etc.etc.etc. social media accounts to prevent me from warning everyone)
And if all that were to happen....well, c'mon, ye think the cap'n don't keep a thousand copies of the original and modified source code fer such occasions?
Also in the works......regarding wallet upgrades.......not only will we be implementing a sailing and plundering feature,but.....i'll give ye a hint....the crow's nest be eyein' a big wave in the distance...