Our current real-time circulating supply (pre-mine not included):
Our current real-time price:
1385416706.99 * $61.65 = $85 billion
We would currently top Coinmarketcap if the circulating supply value updates. I have no idea why it is stuck at 43. I promise you a Bittrex or Poloniex listing will happen if Coinmarketcap can fix this in time. We have actually become the first cryptocurrency to pass Bitcoin's market cap but nobody can see it!!
geezz come on. There is one market for ECA and it doesn't even do 0.5BTC a day. Just because you blow up the supply doesn't mean it's going to be worth more than BTC.
I've disabled this on www.zpool.ca cause if miners think I'm paying out 11340042+ BTC for this nonsense ya'll are crazy.