
Topic: [ANN][ECA] Electra ⚡ | POS 3.0e | Super Rewards Bonanza - page 86. (Read 144299 times)

Activity: 23
Merit: 0
ummm, my wallet absolutely works?
Activity: 165
Merit: 10
I smell a scam going on.  ECA isn't listed on anymore.  The major site that had 99% of its trading is down, been down for days, and didn't give a damn about giving users any advance notice like novaexchange did when they wanted to so call "upgrade" their servers.  It only takes literally one day to fully get a server up and running and has been down for 2 weeks.  I'll bet anyone 10 BTC that by next week, the truth will come out and Coinsmarket will be the first exhange of 2018 to scam us. 

Good job Coinsmarket.scam.  F you right back!

easy.. i can log in and i can see my balance in these days the site is more stable.. and sometimes somewallet are online.. if was an exit scam the site would not exist anymore.. why try to synch the wallet?

I've been on many website talking about Coinscam and nobody has EVER posted a screenshot of the site working or showing any personal wallets.  If one lucky person does show it, he or she is probably on the scam as well.  Only the scammers will have the "happy go lucky - the site is the best in the world and gonna come back, just watch" attitude.  The people who have lost control ever their coins without advance notice like Novaexchange have a slightly different experience. 
full member
Activity: 798
Merit: 116
I smell a scam going on.  ECA isn't listed on anymore.  The major site that had 99% of its trading is down, been down for days, and didn't give a damn about giving users any advance notice like novaexchange did when they wanted to so call "upgrade" their servers.  It only takes literally one day to fully get a server up and running and has been down for 2 weeks.  I'll bet anyone 10 BTC that by next week, the truth will come out and Coinsmarket will be the first exhange of 2018 to scam us. 

Good job Coinsmarket.scam.  F you right back!

easy.. i can log in and i can see my balance in these days the site is more stable.. and sometimes somewallet are online.. if was an exit scam the site would not exist anymore.. why try to synch the wallet?
Activity: 165
Merit: 10
I smell a scam going on.  ECA isn't listed on anymore.  The major site that had 99% of its trading is down, been down for days, and didn't give a damn about giving users any advance notice like novaexchange did when they wanted to so call "upgrade" their servers.  It only takes literally one day to fully get a server up and running and has been down for 2 weeks.  I'll bet anyone 10 BTC that by next week, the truth will come out and Coinsmarket will be the first exhange of 2018 to scam us. 

Good job Coinsmarket.scam.  F you right back!
full member
Activity: 560
Merit: 113
So, the ECA/BTC pair is on yobit here:
But we have to wait for well ended tests.

Yep, sucks doesn't it? Someone opened an order at 3000 sat per coin and we are unable to fill that damn order lol

I just saw this order, can't wait to fulfill it  Grin

It's a nice reward for the first one.
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
So, the ECA/BTC pair is on yobit here:
But we have to wait for well ended tests.

Yep, sucks doesn't it? Someone opened an order at 3000 sat per coin and we are unable to fill that damn order lol

I just saw this order, can't wait to fulfill it  Grin
Activity: 8
Merit: 0
Hi guys!

I´m new here and in the cryptoworld.

Before I made an invest I have made an overview on twitter, facebook, etc.

On twitter are lots of messages that this is a SCAM.

Community, what do you say about that?

sr. member
Activity: 476
Merit: 250
So, the ECA/BTC pair is on yobit here:
But we have to wait for well ended tests.

Yep, sucks doesn't it? Someone opened an order at 3000 sat per coin and we are unable to fill that damn order lol
Activity: 20
Merit: 0
Южнaя Кopeя пpoвepяeт биpжи цифpoвыx вaлют из-зa взлoмa и бaнкpoтcтвa YouBit
Пo cooбщeнию Yonhap, южнoкopeйcкий финaнcoвый peгyлятop нaчaл пpoвepкy кpиптoвaлютныx биpж нa cлeдyющий дeнь пocлe тoгo, кaк YouBit пoдaлa зaявлeниe o бaнкpoтcтвe из-зa взлoмa.
19 дeкaбpя YouBit былa взлoмaнa, и вopы yкpaли 17% eё кpиптoвaлютныx aктивoв. Этo былa втopaя aтaкa нa биpжy в 2017 гoдy, и плoщaдкa peшилa пoдaть зaявлeниe o бaнкpoтcтвe. YouBit пpинecлa извинeния cвoим клиeнтaм и зaвepилa иx, чтo вepнёт пoтepянныe cpeдcтвa.

Пpaвитeльcтвo Южнoй Кopeи зaявилo пo этoмy пoвoдy:
Бaнкpoтcтвo биpжи виpтyaльныx вaлют [YouBit], кaк oжидaeтcя, пpивeдёт к финaнcoвым пoтepям для пoльзoвaтeлeй. Oни дoлжны пpoявлять чpeзвычaйныe мepы пpeдocтopoжнocти из-зa pиcкoв, cвязaнныx c виpтyaльными вaлютными cпeкyляциями и бeзpaccyдным yчacтиeм в cдeлкax c цифpoвыми вaлютaми.

Южнoкopeйcкaя Кoмиccия пo дoбpocoвecтнoй кoнкypeнции пpoинcпeктиpyeт 13 кpyпныx биpж, включaя Bithumb, Coinone и Korbit. Oнa yжe пpeдyпpeдилa нeкoтopыe плoщaдки, чтo им нyжнa cпeциaльнaя лицeнзия ISMS, кoтopaя кacaeтcя инфopмaциoннoй бeзoпacнocти, oбязaтeльнaя для кoмпaний c oбъёмoм пpoдaж нe мeнee 10 млpд. вoн и/или c кoличecтвoм пoceтитeлeй oт 1 млн. в дeнь.

Coглacнo зaявлeнию пpaвитeльcтвa, бoльшинcтвo кpиптoвaлютныx биpж нe coблюдaют дocтaтoчныx мep бeзoпacнocти. Oнo тaкжe нaпoмнилo oбщecтвeннocти, чтo кpиптoвaлюты нe являютcя «зaкoнным плaтёжным cpeдcтвoм и иx cтoимocть нe гapaнтиpyeтcя цeнтpaльным бaнкoм».

Heдoвepиe влacтeй к цифpoвым вaлютaм нe ocлaбилo вceoбщeгo энтyзиaзмa: Bithumb, кpyпнeйшaя биpжa cтpaны, eжeднeвнo вeдёт тopгoвлю биткoинoм бoлee чeм нa $600 млpд.

Ha пpoшлoй нeдeлe пpaвитeльcтвo нaкoнeц paзpeшилo кpиптoвaлютным биpжaм paбoтaть нa зaкoннoй ocнoвe. Paнee oнo вoздepживaлocь oт тaкиx шaгoв: влacти cкeптичecки oтнocилиcь к биткoинy, пpeдпoлaгaя, чтo Ceвepнaя Кopeя иcпoльзyeт apмию xaкepoв для paзpyшeния пoдoбныx плoщaдoк. Oфициaльный Ceyл ввёл cтpoгиe ycлoвия для биpж, a тaкжe нaкaзaниe зa нeзaкoннyю кpиптoвaлютнyю тopгoвлю.

full member
Activity: 378
Merit: 102
Been staking my coins for quite a while. Finally "mined" my first set of new coins. Excellent!
sr. member
Activity: 616
Merit: 251
So, the ECA/BTC pair is on yobit here:
But we have to wait for well ended tests.
full member
Activity: 378
Merit: 102
Mostly because coinsmarkets website and servers were down. So there was no trading for a long time. As a result, CMC listed us as inactive.
Activity: 12
Merit: 0

Why are we inactive?

Because the only market that was updating that page has been down for 8ish days.

So CoinMarketCap sees ECA as inactive.
Activity: 10
Merit: 0
Activity: 3
Merit: 0
Bad news one of your exchanges get this scam waning and Yobit does not have a good response :/
Another exchange will be planned?

Yobit is very very big website. it is good website.
Alexa: ~2000

another exchange coming soon: Next.Exchange, Cryptopia & ...
Activity: 73
Merit: 0
How to follow bounty campaigne?
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Bad news one of your exchanges get this scam waning and Yobit does not have a good response :/
Another exchange will be planned?
full member
Activity: 378
Merit: 102
Just a small update for the community :

We placed our official application to Crytopia and hope to get their positive response soonest as per their schedule and workflow.


So we are waiting for Cryptopia and Yobit to exchange ECA. Coinsmarkets is going to be online in near future.
Good news for ECA!

Yes, very good news!  Wink

Great news that we are able to get this coin on Cryptopia. That will really help with the liquidity and the price.
full member
Activity: 560
Merit: 113
Just a small update for the community :

We placed our official application to Crytopia and hope to get their positive response soonest as per their schedule and workflow.


So we are waiting for Cryptopia and Yobit to exchange ECA. Coinsmarkets is going to be online in near future.
Good news for ECA!

Yes, very good news!  Wink
sr. member
Activity: 616
Merit: 251
Just a small update for the community :

We placed our official application to Crytopia and hope to get their positive response soonest as per their schedule and workflow.


So we are waiting for Cryptopia and Yobit to exchange ECA. Coinsmarkets is going to be online in near future.
Good news for ECA!
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